Well, my birthday is this weekend and if I were to say I'm not exactly looking forward to it I wouldn't be lying. In the past I've always embraced my birthdays and always looked forward to them but not so much anymore. You see, once you get dangerously close to 50 (gasp!) you definitely want to put the brakes on the whole aging process, all Fred Flinstone style.
I do believe it was Cher in her infamous wisdom who said "There's nothing good about getting old" and I'm here to add an AMEN SISTER! to that one. I actually have to wear old lady reading glasses now and have found a few (15 is still a few, right?) grey hairs since I've let it go natural and have gotten rid of the unnatural highlights that conveniently obscured the grey. So far the body is holding out but with these spindly legs I'm sure to fall down and break a hip any day now and it's getting harder to lose weight now a days as well. When my mom was my age my dad took to calling her Pumpkin, not out of affection but because she was rounding out. Although Eddy says I look great and am, in his words, "hot" the Roommate brings me back right to earth by letting me know AARP just sent me a special invite to join the old folks for a shindig at the retirement center. Just wait till January and he hits the big 4 0! Paybacks are a bitch and so am I.
So, now it's your turn to reverse the damaging effects of The Roommate's words and kiss up to me for my birthday. I need all the love and support(hose) I can get.
* No, that's me in the middle, asshole.
Who needs viagra when you're looking like that at your age!
I'd still be all over that.
U R teh HaWtn3s5!
Best babe on teh intartubes!
Thank you gentlemen, you've done your job well.
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