One thing I am peeved at is the whole discussion on the price of gas. "No, no", the economists say, "the dropping price of gas has nothing to do with the impending mid-term elections. The price of gas is determined by the price of oil, availability and capacity at refineries alone. The administration has no influence on oil companies". I gotta tell ya, I just about wet my panties when I heard that load of crap. I am sure economists think linear and logical and don't take into consideration that Republicans are evil and conniving and will drain the last penny out of a poor person if it lines their own pockets. Oh, and that the current president and his pappy are all cozy in bed with oil big business. Please don't be so naïve. This administration has lied and covered up crap and fabricated reasons for invading countries and release sensitive data to their own benefit but NO!, they'd never stoop so low as to intentionally inflate gas prices and then conveniently lower them once the long delayed backlash sets in. That would never happen in America.
But maybe some shifty country like Texas. I could see it happening there.
And lastly I am pissed at my ever-expanding ass. I sent this e-mail to the Roommate today with the subject line "Fat Memo":
Fat update: RED ALERT!
I think working out/riding bikes/doing something other than only delivering cheese to my mouth is the order of the evening.
I also think I am testing the limits of the seam threads of this skirt. And my thong. Thank god this is a loose sweater........for now anyway.
I'm scared of weighing myself today. And I'm seriously thinking of doing that "Biggest Loser" challenge at the gym because I suspect I could easily need to drop 15 lbs in the very near future. Maybe tomorrow.
I'm sure Hugs & Kisses or the Republicans are the cause of that, too. The whole world's out to get me.
Well, it's good to see that you continue to eschew "linear and logical" thought processes. That whole paranoid/delusional thing is very attractive...and we'd hate to lose that.
I think you should walk to work. It's only like 15 miles each way. See, by the time you get there you'd just have enough time to turn around and walk back. It avoids all that messy worry about actual work and all...
"The main system we work in has fathom circuits"
That's "fantom" circuits Suz.
And some guys like big behinds.
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