"Pirates don't give up, they FUCK shit UP!"
In case you didn't know, it's Talk Like a Pirate Day! Unfortunately none of my customers called me today or else they'd ahve gotten an eeeeaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr full, I tell ya!
And there's more pirate in the air this week, some big pirate celebration out at Sauvie Island, and a party at Dr Phil's, pirate costumes pretty much required. It'll be fun and Eddy has already rented a proper pirate outfit, complete with metal saber! I on the other hand will fashion one out of my normal clothes and see what that gets me. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggg!
Why couldn't my kids go to the movies today? They were all rated Arrrrrr
wait. I don't get it... is this like an Oregon thing?
What's a pirate's favorite phonogram?
Phonogram "jokes." Another reason NOT to marry a teacher.
Oh and Eddy is still a PUDDLE pirate.
Hear that Ed, you could have worn your old Coast Guard uniform to Dr Phil's party! Maybe I should wear it instead.
Starlet, the "talk like a pirate day" thing is pretty universal (amongst geeks and loonies) but for some reason there are a bunch of pirate parties in Portland (say that 3 times fast) this weekend. If there's a reason I am not aware of it, but I'll be damned if I'm not participating!
Puddle pirate? Them's duelin' words, there mate!
Besides, didn't exactly see the Navy show up for Katrina like the Coast Guard did. Guess they were too busy playing war games to save lives! Even the Canadian Mounties beat them there...
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