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When the going gets tough, the tough get going, right? Well, I took just that attitude today when I once again found myself banging my head on my keyboard and I walked right the fuck out of H&K and crawled right back to Asshole Co and begged on hands and knees for my old position back, even if it included a pay cut. And then that little piggy sprouted wings and flew right out of my butt. As Shirly Q Liquor says, Shooooot. Of course I wouldn't pitch it all in after investing all of two and a half weeks at this new employer, that would be silly. Hell, no, what I did was I was all crafty and devious (two of my finer qualities) and figured that it's time I take matters into my own hands and make this new gig work for me. So I asked the chick that I replaced to show me the ropes. Now you probably have this stupid look on your face right now thinking to yourself "Duh! Isn't that what she's supposed to do, considering she's right there in the office and all" and to that I have to say ..........FUCK YES, that IS what should have happened from the start but my manager-in-Ohio told me the chick I replaced is in a different department now (re: somebody else's bitch) and I was not to bother her although she contained in her brain all the skills and info I needed to absorb to do the job I was hired for. Well, I guess I showed my boss, and I guess I also kinda told my out-of-state boss just that today, but I think she'll survive. I could have been all spiteful and said something to the tune of "Since your training program is not only FUCKED-THE-SHIT-UP but it's also pretty non-existent, therefore I decided someone around here needed to use the brain god gave them and think up a new, better and more reasonable plan, especially since you expect me to blindly poke around in these programs and hope I find something---most likely by accident---that will do some good while at the same time waste a shitload of my time. But no, I simply told her I got said former employee of hers to walk me through LiNX so I could take care of the urgent issues for the customer we were discussing right then and there. So I spun it like a wheel of fortune and it landed on me looking like a go-getter, and not the spiteful, disgruntle employee that I happen to be. But who noticed that?So that melt down I had yesterday on this very site? Well, it's all taken care of and not by the corporate office either, toots. Deal with it.Ok, so now to the picture above. I had mentioned in passing a photo essay about the Flower Power Parade, oh, er.......Grand Floral Parade. Yeah, well my photos suck with a capitol S and when steven* left a comment saying he had HUNDREDS of photos and couldn't WAIT to see my essay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (please note all the !s) I decided my essay wouldn't so, oh, how do you people say it in English.....oh, yeah, my essay wouldn't be so NOT SUCKY, I decided to spin that a bit ,too. So here's the tease. My blog isn't going to be "Look at all my beautiful, almost professional and ready for framing" photos, it will be my "We were on a 3rd floor fire escape and although I wasn't drunk yet, it appears my camera was" photo essay (exhibit A above). Stay tuned, and you can thank steven* for that.
*And I would have been more than happy to put steven's hyper-link there but blogger is acting up today and being the bitch she thinks she can be. She wouldn't let me cut and past this whole blog, for god's sake, where is the love? I know!!!!! The most basic of computer shit stuff. Oh no, probably shouldn't have said that, now she's going to eat my post. Fingers crossed---I'm too afraid of her to even spell check.
1 comment:
On that office go girl! Kick some corporate bootie. I never played by the rules (well, at least the ones I knew wouldn't get me fired). I'd use whomever I thought useful for whatever I needed irregardless of what other department, role, or title they had. Certain people have certain skills; use them! Sure looks like you are now. This will be entertaining...
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