Obviously this isn't that Grand Floral photo essay I've been promissing you (and you keep falling for it, too, don't ya?) but it'll have to do for now.

This weekend Sarahbeth came down from Seattle to have her hair done (evidently they don't do beehive hairdo's anywhere in Seattle anymore so she had to go to Gresham for it) so we got together with the Roommate, the Boy and Michelle and headed out for a show at Doug Fur. If you've never heard of Dirty Martini http://www.dirtymartinimusic.com/index2.php, a local "girl fronted" band, check out their site, they're pretty cool and there's even a link to the December concert the Roommate and I went to which was kinda bizare. Will of Be the Boy fame, will love them for several reasons, I bet! 'Cause Will likes music and he likes hot chicks.
Then on Sunday my friend Pat and I were at Pride when we saw this band that I don't think Will would appreciate as much as Dirty Martini, unless he likes to take the train to tranny-ville. I didn't catch their name but how many tranvestite rock bands could there be, right? The photo is a little blurry but I have a feeling you'd thank me for that.
Me not down with trannys? Where would you get that idea?
Thought I heard that somewhere....I guess you like chicks with dicks then. You go boy..er, girl....whatever.
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