It has been a long time hasn't it? What with me and the new job and new man and all, my head is simply spinning! If I'm not sitting through a 4 and a half hour training session on a useless ordering system I have no intention of utilizing I'm...........doing something way more fun than a Linx training session, if you know what I mean. *wink wink* But I digress............
Yesterday evening I cocktails with M (she who showed her "wares" on the Wine-O tour, if you will---and said "wares" carries a heavy dose of "not wearing", if you want to be literal----but I digress). I met Miss M, the Chasted (patron saint of denial) at a riverfront restaurant/bar this evening so I could whine and moan about Hugs and Kisses and about how so corporate and stupid it is and was rewarded with not only happy hour fare but also the lovely shot above*. Got my PaD shot as well as a buzz, thank you very much. That's killing 2 birds with one stone. Big check mark after that entry on my training sheet. Anyway, this is a fairly uninteresting shot of a dragon boat, as in the lander's competition dragon boat. Evidently a dragon boat race is part of the Rose Festival here in Portland in June and there were several teams out there practicing yesterday evening but this is as close as they came to me.
* Ok, ok, it's nothing to write home about but at least I finally dragged that damn camera out of my handbag and actually took a photograph. Don't I at least get credit for that? I'm in training for a technical job here, people! Give me an F'n break.
If she got semi-naked, why the hell are we looking at pictures of some lame dragon boat?
C'mon Suz, you got to give the audience what it wants!
Wouldn't be prudent. She'd skin me alive and NO ONE would get to see her tits.
Wasn't 'NO ONE' in the limo on the wine tour too?
And I was hoping for an action picture here; you know, a standoff between two advesary dragon boats...maybe even some dragon fire. Sheez.
Hey, I'm lame, just as I said I was. Sue me.
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