The nagging has simply got to stop and the only way to stop you is to go ahead and post the photo essay entitled Remains of the Grand Floral Parade! Oh, and please remember these photos were taken from a third story fire escape on the parade route by a slightly drunken camera.

Already the trusty camera has gotten into the spirit of the parade and set itself to "blurry", which actually makse the photos quite a bit more interesting, like the photo above. Horses adorned with flowers and slightly pudgy rodeo queens were the order of the day, because we obviously have them in spades here in Oregon.

The camera has kicked itself into "blurry overdrive" for this shot, and I'd love to tell you what this float is about but I seriously can not. I am waiting for a roller coaster to come roaring around that track any minute now, but since this isn't a film clip I'd suggest you not sit staring and wait for it. Ain't gonna happen, toots.

There was a marching band called "Second Time Around" and is all about people's who's sad lives peaked in high school when they were in the school marching band. Sad. It's nice we give them their 2 and a half seconds of local fame and allow them to play pitiful little their hearts out while we stiffe our own embarassed laughter. But seriously, how many times can you sit through "Louie, Louie"? Oh, and they had majorities AND a flag line. Sad, just sad. Maybe there's a theme old folks home for them in their collective futures.
Check out tomorrow for the remainder of the blurry Floral Parade from HELL!
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