Rusty and Bill. It took us forever to get Bill to take off his shirt. But once we got it off, it stayed off.
Moving on up!
I'm not feeling well today. Got myself one of those summer colds that simply and thoroughly suck ass and make you wish it was February so you can just go back to bed and not worry about missing a beautiful weather day, but I guess I'll have to post a blog in spite of my lack of energy and general overall bad feelings or ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOSE (ie: I'll get snarky comments left on my most recent post) so here goes. I am writing this at work but will forward it to my home e-mail so my work internet won't convince my blog to show me another lesson about wasting company time when I attempt to post. Nice try internet, this is just crazy enough to work…………..
I had written a whole blog and snickered to myself because it was just that funny and it had the story about how a Canadian coin had gotten in the dashboard-lighter-plug and blew the fuses and the satelight radio wouldn't work and then the Roommate wouldn't let me talk unless I "sang it" for 5 whole miles. But the blogger gods are spiteful and ate the whole funnier-than-shit post just to make me mad. Well SCORE A POINT FOR THE BLOGGER GODS, CAUSE I'M LIVID.
Just saying.
So let's not waste anymore of MY time (ie: H&K's time*) retelling funny stories about gayness and describing how Our Rusty got a spincterine spa day compliments of Seattle Parks and Recreation during Pride. And let's forget all about long hairs in the 5 Spot eggs, Baby Jesus being locked in the hot car all day and certain females licking certain nekked gay men's chests. Oh yes, let's just skip all that and not bother the spiteful Blogger Gods with any of that boring blogable bullshit, even if us humans think it might get a chuckle out of someone. Just go ahead and eat the goddamn post, I hope it gives you diarrhea. I truly do.
I'm going to go home (early), pour myself a gallon or two of wine and see if my mood gets any better. If it does I may just try to recreate the magic that should have been today's post....but if I were you I wouldn't count on it.
*Think it's any coincidence that my blog only gets "eaten" when I try to post on company time?
Then on Sunday my friend Pat and I were at Pride when we saw this band that I don't think Will would appreciate as much as Dirty Martini, unless he likes to take the train to tranny-ville. I didn't catch their name but how many tranvestite rock bands could there be, right? The photo is a little blurry but I have a feeling you'd thank me for that.
So, anywho….I was reading Lawdawg’s most recent post (check out my snarky comment) and couldn’t help but relate---identify if you will. Although I didn’t really have a life’s plan in place (big-ass snicker there!) before, I thought I’d be living someone else’s life by now. Like Andy Warhol's for example, you know, someone else doing my artwork, me getting all the glory and money and having that stellar lifestyle he enjoyed in the 70’s. Instead I’m stuck in what appears to be another telecom hell hole which is quite a bit different than the whole Studio 54/Warehouse gig I rightly have coming to me. If only I had kept my receipt, I could probably have taken this shitty life back to Neiman’s and traded it in for something fresher and definitely less worn out, thread bare-ish as it is. And a bit more stylish, thank you very much.
But then again, it appears THIS life actually came from Kmart, and I think it’s already been returned at least once, probably because of a manufacturer’s defect . That’s what happens when you shop for your future in the bargain bin. Prices may be good, but the wares are worn out.
I'm not sure about this new job, it's really gettin in the way of my blogging. Anyway, here's the answers to iamnot's questions:
Color or B&W
This all depends on what you’re talking about; photographs or movies, I’d have to go with B&W. If you’re talking about dreams, I’d say color, because I only dream in color.
Moe or Larry
This completely depends on if YOU (meaning you, I AM NOT) want to be the leader or the second banana. Me? I can go either way.
Curly or Shemp?
First off, Stooges are strictly for children or grown men, which would be both I guess. Second, Shemp = chump.
Beef or fish?
I will pick a bottom-feeder over a cow any day. My family went on the American Heart Association diet when my dad had his first heart attack when I was in high school. Plus McDonald’s considers cow’s eyeballs as “100% beef”, so it’s a no-brainer.
Pork or chicken?
What happened to choice #3, chicken wrapped in bacon. Case closed.
Potatoes or rice?
Potatoes any day, any way. I’m Irish.
Books or movies?
I’m a big fan of both forms of art but there are obvious differences. Movies can be enjoyed with other while books, after one is in the upper grade school years, is a solo gig. So it depends on if you want to share the experience or go it alone.
Music or TV?
Most TV is pooh, but then again so is most popular music, but there’s far more good music than TV, so I’m going with music.
Baseball or basketball?
Both are boring and cater to “superstars”. Minor league soccer is better. Same with hockey.
Cat or dog?
Oh, pleeeeze! What do you think I’m going to say? Even though the vet , JUST TODAY, said that Rufus has…….ummm……….”psychological issues” if you will (ie: CRAZY FUCK), I’m going to vote for a nut-job dog over a spiteful cat any day. But the dog has “mind control” over me so take it with a grain of salt.
M&Ms or Skittles?
The former is redundant and the latter lacks class. Wilbur Buds are my snack choice (google it, I dare you).
Pepsi or Coke?
Well, considering Coke marketed “Fanta” for the Nazi market as to not tarnish their pro-American image, I’m going to say………..neither. I don’t do “pop”.
Coffee or Starbucks?
Ok, considering I live in the Pacific Northwest, home of Starbucks, where the coffee house you visit, be it a chain or a local home-roaster, is a reflection on your own personal worth as a human being, I am forced to say I drink…..wait for it…..I drink HOME BREWED COFFEE. $5 a cup? My daddy didn’t raise no fool.
Vanilla or chocolate?
What are we talking here? Ice cream? Candle scents? Racial slur? Just kidding about the last one*. I’m voting for vanilla, unless you’re talking DARK chocolate.
Bottom or top?
Again, it depends on what you’re referring to. In a gay bar this could be a deal breaker. In my bedroom it’s a request.
Soda or ice tea?
Iced tea, I am a
Windows or Mac?
I wish I could say Mac because that is the computer the artsy folks use, but I work in telecom. Dick-head windows for me, I’m afraid.
Plastic or paper?
Paper, I use it for the recycling.
Carpet or tile?
Hello? You can put an area rug on top of tile but you can’t put tile on top of wall to wall. Duh.
Almond Joy or Mounds?
I love almonds but only like dark chocolate so I in a dilemma, and am undecided.
Salt water or fresh?
Better waves at the salt water beach.
Beach or mountain?
I live in
Dinner at 7 or 9?
Depends on if there’s cocktails before dinner; if so 7 because it leaves more drink hours for your buck
Abstract or Impressionist?
Abstract (she says with both eyes on the right side of her head.
PETA or pass the chicken?
I don’t know, I’ve never tasted PETA.
Single malt or blended?
Everything’s better single.
Licorice or Red Vines?
Licorice. Once you go black………….
White wine or red?
Red, but it better not be a fucking merlot!
Wall flower or lampshade?
Lampshade, I was way too shy for too long to go back.
Debit or credit?
Debit, don’t like to spend what I don’t have.
Spoon me or give me my space?
Absence doesn’t make the heart grow fonder, spoon me please.
Evening or morning?
Cocktail hour starts off the better of the two; a hangover the other.
Wake the neighbors or wake me when you’re done?
Over easy or scrambled?
Over easy, I eat the yolks with bread and the Roommate eats the whites. Then we split the hashbrowns and pancackes.
Biscuits or rolls?
Bread’s bread, although I do likes me some Popeye’s biscuits.
Glass and steel or wood and brick?
Depends on the mood but I do love the clean lines of modern architecture, so I’ll go with the former.
Jetski or canoe?
I may surprise you with this one, canoe.
Get it when you can or take it when you need it?
What about get it when you need it?
*My attorney made me add this.