Ok, on to other things. I'm in the process of cleaning out my cube here at work, taking care of customer issues I should have taken care of before and generally getting rid of damaging material on my computer, so I just have a sec to tell you about Wine-o Tour, 2006. Up here in Oregon, we produce some of the best Pinot Noir you can imagine and the vineyards and wineries are a mere one hour drive from our beloved Portland. Every year on Memorial Day Weekend all the wineries open their doors for tastings and every year I organize a wine tour which consists of a breakfast of quiche and mimosas at our house, load our soon to be drunken asses into a limo and head out to drink primo wine.
This year, living up to his motto of "Just say yes to another excess", the Roommate found a 26 seater limo Excursion that we will be enjoying for our tour and into it we will pour 22 drunken wine-os. Last year we had an 18 seater and I guess our party was a little large, the point punctuated by the fact that Katie let us up and leave her boyfriend at one winery and she didn't even notice until we were miles away and someone pointed it out to her. This year, in order to avoid such a mishap, I am going to provide one of those ropes with loops in it that kindergarteners grab a hold of when taking a stroll with the class. This may allow us to avoid losing anyone. Maybe, but I can't be sure. Look for a future post about the zany antics on Wine-o Tour, 2006! It should be a good one. I'm only saying.
Have a glass (or two) of pinot for me.
that sounds like super fun!
I still have the pictures from the tour I was a part of. Man we got drunk as shit! I remember by the end of the tour, everyone knew we were from Texas because our accents were kicked into high gear! Yee haw! Have SEVERAL for me!
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