As you probably remember from a recent rant Asshole Co. is purchasing our company, and The House of Suz is not happy about the whole sit-out-the-bullshit-and-hope-for-a-package thing while the rats leave the sinking ship and pile their work of those of us dumb enough to stay. Well, remember when I went to Seattle on a secret mission? Well, the mission was a third and final interview with Hugs and Kisses Co., disguised as a visit with Our Rusty and Sarahbeth (who finally posted, by the way. YEA! It's about time!). So, yadda, yadda, yadda, Hugs and Kisses LOVES THEM SOME SUZ so as of the end of this month I will be working at a company that hands out rainbows and sunshine on a daily basis and it rains gumdrops* for desert. So as of a week from today I am OUTTA HERE! I'll be leaving behind almost 8 years of hard work and dedication with nothing to show for it except for 4 "support person of the month" awards. And Asshole Co can kiss my happy *bleep*.
Can you work for them from here or are you moving to Seattle?
You continue to be my hero.
I'm very happy for you Susan.
I'll be based in Portland. My supervisor is out of Ohio and she had a scheduled trip to their Seattle office so I went up there to meet her. I guess I made that a little confusing. So I'll still be here and Portland will still be tormented by Rufus, so fear not.
Congrats on the new job. :-)
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