Recently my attention was pointed in the direction of a long ago memory about the first time I saw the Roommate. I have a clear picture in my mind of the meeting because the occasion involved embarassement, and nothing sticks in my mind like being embarassed. This first blush at what would become a great friendship pretty much says everything about our relationship that you need to know, which is: I was born to provide entertainment for the Roommate.
One work day in early spring, oh, about 5 years ago (so it was pretty much 5 years ago from around now) I had walked across the street from our then downtown Portland office with the sole purpose of getting a latte from Starbucks. It must have been fairly early in the day because the place was packed and there was a long line not only to order but also to pick up coffee once made. I made the unfortunate mistake of timing my arrival in line just after an older woman whom I had never met--no, wait---never even seen before, who turned around and started talking to me as though she knew me, and knew me well. She was telling me about work and about her kids and basically...about everything, as though I was a close friend or member of her family. As she continued with her one-sided conversation I realized she either thought I was someone else or that she was just a crazy nut case. Crazy because she was acting like we've known each other for years, and although the back up at Starbucks was unusually long that day, it didn't warrant a couple-of-years-length relationship. The longer we stood there the more animated the woman became and the more her volume increased. It had gotten to the point that I was aware that other people were listening in because she had started to tell me some "colorful" things about her daughter that one didn't usually spout out to strangers, especially not in a loud voice within hearing range of other strangers. I also realized that we were getting glances from other patrons and that in their eyes the crazy woman was dragging me along to her crazy level---I was also now a nut job! As I glanced around at the knowing-looking faces I noticed a very attractive, well dressed man across the room looking directly at me. Well, I assumed he was looking right at me because not only did he have on a well tailored suite and was holding a briefcase, he also was wearing sunglasses. Inside. On a cloudy day. But the reason I KNEW he was looking at me is because he had the biggest grin on his face that told me a) he knew I didn't know the crazy woman, b) that I was being held captive in crazy land because of my dependence on caffeine and c) that entire situation embarrassed the hell out of me. That was a first class Cheshire Cat grin if I'd ever seen one and he did not look away, he wanted me to see and to know he was enjoying the show at my expense. Luckily my coffee was announced and I squirreled away to the corner to mix in my "sugar in the raw" away from the gazes of onlookers. As I was walked toward my building I realized I was directly behind the attractive looking man who had been amused at my predicament. I followed him across the street, into my building and onto the elevator where he pushed button for my company's floor. I did not look his way and as the elevator doors opened, he stepped out and took a left while I walked down the hall to the right. A few days later a group of coworkers went out for drinks and this man was in attendance. I told an off color Jesus joke which got no laughs except from the soon-to-be-Roommate and he proceeded to tell an equally off color Jesus joke of his own. The rest is history.
So, that was my first encounter with the Roommate and I have to admit that through the years I've seen that same Cheshire Cat's grin on his face many, many times. And more times than not it's been put there at my expense.
* An early photo of the roommate and I. You can tell it's an early photo because I'm smoking and I look way younger in it.
You two make just the cutest couple!
That's a neat story. Some things are just meant to be.
Was that a Vagina Slim in your hand?
steven: That would happen to be a Capri, sir. Pleeeeze, Virginia Slims? How '70s. (And Carpris are soooooooooooo 80's.)
iamnot: snicker snicker
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