At the risk of turning this into a fucking birthday site, I thought I should mention that today is Michelle's birthday. Now you are probably wondering why Michelle doesn't get a blog-a-thon like Our Rusty did and the answer is quite simple. Michelle isn't that much of a klutz (she will probably say that's the nicest thing I've ever said about her and she may just be right) and I don't have tons of embarrassing photos and stories about her. She's probably getting a little worried right about now that I'm going to mention an incident that rhymes with "bunch flub" but I'm not. We'll just leave that little misjudgment in a dark, dank closet somewhere, where I'm sure we all know it belongs.

Now I suppose I should give this character his on post as well but like I already mentioned, I don't care to turn this blog in to a birthday site so the goofball in the tard suit below is Bart. Hmmm, I see you are confused as to which outfit is the tard suit, so Bart is the one that doesn't appear a total Si Fi freak. Hmmm, a little too vague again. He's the one in the unitard-tard suit.

Oh, back to your regularly scheduled program, already in progress.
* Not really, she's only 26 (or is it 27?). But that makes her way too young compared to me, so today she's 30. Get over it.
Wow. I think I'd rather be the guy in the storm trooper outfit. He's got a better cod piece and his face is hidden.
Anonymity is important when you're dressed like that.
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