Oh-my-lanta! What an end-to-the-shit-job/holiday weekend/wine tour/start-new-job whirl-wind! Sorry about the absence, I promise I'm not disappearing just not able to blog at work just yet and haven't had the time outside work either. And Hugs and Kisses is all about just that, hugs and kisses! (more about that later). But since I was drunk-o (only kinda) I didn't take many photos (ie: my hands where kinda busy with the New Guy) of wine-o 2006, so I'll have to steal someone else's photos (don't tell Emma) and I promise I will write about that soon. So look for that later, OK?
............anyway, my dog, Rufus the beast, had his very first professional photo session last night. I kid you not! He didn't bite anyone and was so cute..........so cute until I spilled a glass of red wine on his white hair. Then he was kinda pink about the back until the Roommate washed him off with a pitcher of ice water, to which Rufus said "Thanks tons dad, I was going to lick that off". Like mother, like son I guess.

So the little ball of energy wrapped in slightly pink fur was ever so cute and a real crowd pleaser until............

.............the Great Danes (yes, plural, people!) showed up and stole the show. Then to add insult to injury, two goddamn-cuter-than-shit puppies showed up (7 weeks, no less!). So Rufus lost his luster pretty damn quick and probably didn't get very much camera time, either. Oh well, maybe next time.
And if all that wasn't enough, this week I got to visit the New Guy for lunch at "heaven on earth", the Nike campus! Yes, Hugs and Kisses' office may be a long ass drive away from the Suz and Roommate's casa, but it's pretty close to Beaverton, Oregon, where Nikeland is situated. What a huge glob of very attractive buildings nestled in a virtual national forest complete with a lake and real live ducks (with the swoosh on their wings, even!). I bet you didn't know this but athletes who are signed to Nike and fall on hard times have to work in the Nike cafeteria to fulfill their contracts. It's true.............I swear*! I wouldn't lie about that**.
*Ok, huge lie, just like the ducks with swooshs painted on their wings, but it was funny anyway.
**Apparently I would.
**Apparently I would.
Well I'm thinkin' that those Great Danes probably weren't doing a lot of loop-de-loop tricks with Rufus either...
You would be correct, sir. They basically sit and look very sad. That's about it but they get points for their size I suspect.
New job...new guy...you're entirely too happpy.
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