I believe.................
.......that Michelle and I (pictured here*) make the cutest lesbian couple ever to go to prom, even if I do look like I have a sneer on my face!
.......that the outfit I am wearing today (not pictured) just does not work. I must make a mental note not to wear this skirt with this top ever again. And the boots? Phleeze! Had the Roommate seen me this morning he would surely have put a squelch on it, after he got over his uncontrollable laughter, that is.
.......that this "Asshole Company" buying my current employer is going to give me a stroke yet. I do not want to work for "Asshole Company" as I know for a fact that I am above them. Anyone want to hire an overpriced customer service rep who posts blogs during business hours and can't dress herself? Hmm, just as I thought.
.......that people should spend more time listening to public radio and less time listening (and calling into) talk radio. Very little good comes from it, at least I think so.
.......I should be able to drink at work. Period. If everyone can have bowls of chocolate candy on their desk causing mid-afternoon sugar comas, I should be able to have a bottle of a nice Oregon Pinot Noir perched right by my computer monitor. Sorry, no sharing.
.......I am afraid for our country and the world. It has recently come to my attention that our president believes "End Times" are near and having a dooms day approach to governing isn't a very positive practice in my eyes. Seriously, is this any way to run a country? It does explain his implied need for his personal crusades in the Middle East (making Jesus points there?) and his total head-in-the-sand approach to the environment (Global warming? Who cares, the world's ending any day now!). I do question his family's obsession with being in bed with Saudi oil men and the whole "gotta get Haliburton rich" campaign, though. I may not be religious but I do subscribe in the "you can't take it with you" school of thought.
.......that Aimee Mann and Rufus Wainwright should be elevated to the position of songsters to the gods as each has a voice of an angel and writing tallents unsurpassed. And they both need to put out new albums immediately. Someone's jonesing.
* Thanks Rob Rhino for the photo. Hope it's ok I used it without permission, I got the inspiration from Bush's permissionless wire taping---the man's a genius.
You are making me laugh. My company just got acquired by an "Asshole Company". As a result, I'm writing a note in your blog during work hours; waiting for my package. We're both in Portland too. Could we be on the same floor of the same building?
Fellow people who work for Asshole Companies Unite!!
I'm in the basement.
Um........that should tell you something.
Don't worry.
I've reserved a better cube for you after the rapture.
Uh---enjoyed your post; don't really have a comment.
I'm sorry Suz. Hang in there.
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