"FINALLY!", you are probably whispering to yourself under your breath, "I thought she'd NEVER post those bastards!". Well, you are proven wrong my friend, I AM hereby posting the photos from the Red Dress Party----only a little later than I had planned but what the hell. Hope it was worth the wait (but hello!, men in red dresses, always worth waiting for!).

Here's a group shot of the boy, me and Rusty. Rusty went for the "unwashed red neck" look, ever popular in Vancouver WA, but a little unseemly in Portland. Sorry Dude, that hair is JUST NOT SEXY, even if it is fake it shall not be excused. Also, I guess it's kind of obvious from this photo that my dress was a little on the pink side. I simply called it "light red" and left it at that.

Bad asses, that's all I can say about these two. Don't leave your red patent leather clutch lying around without supervision if you see these two in the vicinity.
The Pre-pre-funk was actually at a restaurant where I assume the sight of about a dozen people, men and women alike, sitting around a large table all wearing red dresses wasn't that uncommon. We only had one stranger brave enough to come forward and ask for a photo. Cosmopolitans were the order of the day, in keeping with the "light red" theme.

Ok, Kiddos, that's it for the pre-funks. Stay tuned for the main event. Hopefully tomorrow.
Rusty looks like Howard Stern in the photo with Trey.
you look great.
FUN< FUN< FUN>!!!! everyone looks gorgeous, and I actually really like Trey's dress. I would ask to borrow it, but I assume that it prob wouldn't fit. Yes, yours looks pink next to the others, but u look hot so who cares! Bring on the drunker pics! If I ever make it out to Portland again, I want to come to this party.
I see that Michelle is a brave girl and risked a wardrobe malfunction by going strapless. Are there pix of boobies in our near future?
It's about damned time woman! How much fun is that? Dallas sucks, there isn't anything that I know of like that here....everyone's too damned uptight to have fun here. And you people wonder why I only go to The Landing...
Michelle has the tits to keep a dress like that on, even if you fall in it. Speaking of falling, I'm glad I didn't. The floor was a swamp!
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