Thursday, April 06, 2006

Red Dress Party, part 2

If you thought the Red Dress Party was all fun and pretty up to this point, you are correct. If you suspect that it eventually gets a little soiled and ugly, better grab some money and pick up a lottery ticket. Not because you're lucky, just psychic.
So we made our way to the warehouse which was housing the Red Dress Party for the evening and everyone was at least a little buzzed. As we stood in line the Roommate instructed everyone to stick together...........until a bouncer announced that if you had a VIP pass, you could skip to the front of the line. The Roommate and I had been given VIP passes by our buddy Pat, so of course we were all about "See Ya!" and headed to the entrance, stating that we were going to the VIP lounge to get free drinks and have them waiting for our friends once they were let in. Yeah, they bought it.
Our buddy Bart showed up in one of my red dresses, and it really showed off his figure.


At one point in the evening I was in line for a drink in the VIP lounge and happened to look down and see a small baggie with about 14 pills in it. Thinking that since this is a "rave" setting and it is the VIP lounge, these were probably DRUGS and I quickly scooped up the baggie and jammed it in my purse. I kind of forgot about it until a bit later (preoccupied with my drink) when I was standing with a group of friends and reached into my purse to get chapstick and re-discovered the baggie. I announced that I have found a bag of pills and they were immediately removed from my possession. Someone took them to the restroom and tested each and every one of them and.................they were mints. Well, hell, it was April Fools Day and I bet someone had quite the laugh about that one.

At some point in the evening I decided to lick Bart's chest*. No one knows why or remembers for that matter but I suspect he spilled some of his drink and I was simply cleaning up the mess. Cleanliness is next to godliness.......or would it be waste not want not?

Rusty spent a lot of time making (re: tormenting) new friends.

To give you a little clue on how many folks showed up for the party, take a look at these photos I took by holding the camera above the crowd and just shooting.

The glowing red crowd in the very back of the photo are dancers on a platform lit up by red spotlights. Gives you an idea of the size of the room and the mass of people there. The fire marshal stopped admission for a while because of capacity issues.

This lovely shot shows where the Red Dress Party turned into the mud pit from Woodstock. Can you say gross? It was so bad the Roommate washed my feet once we got home, they were so nasty.

There always comes that part of the night when you're just not drunk enough to enoy what's going on and the line for drinks too long to bear. I reached that point around 1:30 am and Michelle realized it about the same time. Rusty wasn't having such an epiphany but we made the judgment call for him, and a good thing too----this is Rusty in the cab home, with a quick drive through at Popeye's. Later on after he crashed on the futon in the basement we tried to film Rufus humping his head but I was too wasted to get the camera to work. Ah, missed opportunities.

I decided to post some more random Red Dress photos tomorrow, so stay tuned.

* Photo courtesy of Rusty's camera.


Gnomeself Be True said...

Uh...yea. Ok...well...
Glad to see you survived another year of it.

Shawna said...

Just the visual you gave me of Rufus humping Rusty's head was enough, NICE....