When our (mostly useless---did I say that out loud?) director of customer service left the company last week she gave each CS rep two free hours off with pay as a friendly parting gift: I used mine this morning, thinking I'd sleep in, but Rufus had different plans. So after we had our "ride in car" to "doggie park" I moseyed my happy ass into work at 10:05; so far all I've done is answer a few e-mail and read my daily blogs. If you count eating 2 mini Hershey's dark chocolate bars and munching a couple hand fulls of potato chips as "work", well then, it's been a busy morning. I love Fridays, and today is pay day as well, which means I won't be broke for at least the next 24 hours. After that I'll be scrounging for "budget wine" money in my change jar and pulling left overs out of the freezer. I need a higher paying job but I never see any listings under "Independently Wealthy" in the want ads. I suspect it's a hard field to break into unless you know someone. And to that point, I've put on my "to do" list for this weekend: buy winning lottery ticket. If it's a winner you only need one. The Roommate always buys lottery tickets when he's unhappy with his job situation or the jackpot hovers around $200mil, which it happens to be nearing now. People always say they'd keep working but as Daffy Duck says, not this little black duck. I'd make it a point of coming into work a good 45 minutes late, drop a few F-bombs on conference calls and e-mails and then hand out Krispie Kreme donuts as I'm escorted out the door. Then I'd buy a home in Cancun and a beach front bar there as well. Because I want a bar like Varuca Salt wants an Oompa-loompa. Which means NOW. And if one is going all out and wishing for a bar, one might as well wish it were situated on the beach in a clean resort town. So I want that and specifically in Cancun, please. I also want to be 15 years younger while we're at it, but if that's a deal breaker then we can remove it from the table. I wouldn't mind being younger but as long as I look ok in a bathing suit I'm good. And one thing that makes you age is sun damage (not to mention the added bonus of skin cancer) so I'd be wearing a lot of sunscreen with that bathing suit. But only in the winter months, in Cancun that is, not the sunscreen, as I'd probably prefer to live somewhere not so fucking hot in the summer and don't get me started on the hurricanes you get that time of year. Last year hurricanes hit three of my favorite spots in the world, Key West, Cancun and of course New Orleans. It was almost like God was out to let me know I wouldn't be taking any vacation this year, because it's looking like I'm not. You know, money's tight and the situation won't be getting any better unless I get a new job (see "Independently Wealthy" above) or win the lottery (also above), each of which are highly unlikely, especially if I forget to buy my lottery tickets today. Or just ticket, as long as it's a winner.
Can you tell I don't want to be at work today?
me either. gonna cut out early and catch a buzz. can u say happy hour?
You need 2 bars in 2 locations so you can live the gypsy life and avoid the nasty weather.
I've got my lottery tickets! Let's go together to pick out the palapa...
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