Oh, what a shame that your pockets did bleed on St Valintine's and you sat in your chair thinking "Boy, I'm such a prince". Well, life's a train that rolls along day by day, but it's making a stop on April First........."
---April Fool, Rufus Wainwright
Now I'm sure you're waiting with baited breath to find out how the weekend----or more precisely the RED DRESS PARTY---went but I'm going to have to put that off because I want to make sure I have all my photos in order and my story straight. That's a big lie, actually, the weekend kind of kicked my ass and I don't have the energy yet to get my arms around all the photos and get all my facts straight. What I do have the energy to tell you about today is my prank, and then the prank that followed. April Fool's Day usually catches me off guard and the Roommate zaps me but good with some smart prank, but this year I realized it was April Fool's Day ahead of time and since it was on a weekend, I was able to catch him off guard. The Roommate woke me up saying we had to go to this little place over by our house for breakfast and that we were going to the gym afterwards; the reason he had picked this particular venue is because a) it's close to the house, b) he hadn't had their breakfast yet and c) because they had beer. Drinking beer before the gym didn't sounds like the most practical practice in the world but I was hungry and could use the grub before a work out, so I agreed. I remembered that it was April Fool's Day and wanted to get a prank in before he realized the date, so as he entered the kitchen on our way out of the house, I told him that our friend Rusty had just called and decided he wasn't coming in from Seattle for the Red Dress Party after all. The Roommate asked if I had talked to him or gotten a voice message and I told him the former. He asked if I tried to pressure Rusty into coming after all and I said a little, but had told Rusty to "do what was best for him". The Roommate was MAD! He called me Carol* and decided to call Rusty himself and guilt him into coming. He barked "where's the phone?" and started dialing Rusty's number. Now Rusty had been working the graveyard shift for the last few months and Friday night had been his last night shift so I figured Rusty was napping before his drive and therefore didn't answer the phone. I also figured the Roommate would leave a snide message which would start WW3 so I started waving my arms saying "April Fool's, it's an April Fool's joke, I made it up, he didn't call!". Once the Roommate was able to control his anger he was impressed with my prank skills, I'm usually not able to pull something like this off. And this excellent prank inspired him. He called his mom and told her he and I were going to have a baby, this from a man who doesn't care for children as much as I don't. Oh, and she sooooooooo bought it. She sooooooooo wants another grandbaby, especially and heir from her only son. Oh, we're mean, it went so well we planned on calling all our friends and telling them the same thing. But then the Roommate drank beer and we played pool and went to the gym and kind of forgot about. But it was funny while it lasted.
You seriously drank beer, then went to the gym.....how long was that workout, about 10 minutes?
I totally forgot about April Fool's....
I quit smoking on that date last year, it wasn't a joke, I lasted 5 days and 10 hours, it was horrible. Back to my pack a day habit....
Actually, I didn't drink. I did weights and about 45 minutes of cardio while the Roommate lifted. At one point he came over to my stationary bike and asked if I was ready to leave yet. He reeked of a brewery.
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