1. Cornfield Maze on Sauvie Island is open for business.
2. Weather forecast calls for high temperatures no warmer than the low 70's for the entire week.
3. Everyone is either talking about the Ducks' or Beavers' games.
4. Rufus refuses to go outside to go potty because the deck is wet with rain.
5. The top is back on my Jeep.
To "Steven",
I am following your request and not posting your comment but it made me laugh out loud. I know who you were talking about and that was the best description ever.
Thanks for the chuckle.
Hi there I chanced upon your pics and I just wanted to let you know that I am using this one www.pbase.com/invisibleink/image/26217435 for a piece I am doing on kitchens.
My blog is www.thekeybunch.com, and you will find the piece posted tomorrow sometime.
I have linked it to your profile on pbase. Let me know if you want it to link anywhere else.
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