While most of America was in front of the boob tube watching the newest mouth piece of the Religious Right and big oil pat her cronies and herself on the back, I was attending a rather large birthday party for Sam Adams, the mayor elect for Portland (and he looks like Clark Kent, too!). Portland is the largest city in the US with an openly gay mayor and I have a feeling we will be seeing big things from him. I sat and spoke for a good long time to Sam's mother and grandmother and I gotta tell ya, I saw more love and family values in those two ladies than in that entire convention in Minnesota on the TV in the corner of the room.
But about the GOP. Damn, they're old. It's a good thing Palin's family was there because those kids brought the median age of the room down a few years. If Cindy McCain is one of the youngest-looking people in the room, you know you're addressing the retirement home. And what's with all the cowboy hats? Did they give them out free at the door? I thought you guys were distancing yourselves from Bush and his wrangler ways.
But seriously, if Sarah Palin piles her hair up any higher she'll be required to move to Texas. Just saying. And as far as her thoughts on energy, maybe she should read this little piece from Robert Kennedy Jr---but then he's a Democrat, so there's no place for this leftist thinking in McCain's administration, controlled by big oil and "clean coal", and for which Palin is so ready to back.
But this is funny.
First, hApPy bIrThDaY!! We're the same age.
Having lived in Portland as a youth and again in my mid-20's, I can say it is a fabulous city that did all of the right things decades ago to make it one of the best places to live. I didn't know about their new Mayor, but I'd take Clark Kent over ours right now. We have the Pillsbury Dough Boy.
Now go eat cake.
Thanks for the birthday greeting!
Happy Birthday!
I wish the mayor of Las Vegas was hot. He kind of looks like John McCain. SIGH. recall.
Oh yeah. Sarah Palin= Caribou Barbie.
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