The Roommate got my friends together and got me this tiny token of appreciation for my birthday. They said they had ulterior motives for the purchase, that being that they want me to blog more---there's always a catch, isn't there? So now I no longer have to surf the internet on my hoopty, dead-screened laptop with an additional monitor attached. I guess I'll get rid of that crick in my neck from typing with my head slightly turned to the left.
So Thank You, Thank You, Thank YOU to Tammy and Jenn the Neighbor and Dana and Rich and Todd and Tracy and Katie and Diane and Vicki and Boytek and mostly The Roommate. As Aimee Mann always says in concert "Thank you so much, you guys are awesome!" Because you guys really are.
Now if you will excuse me I have to get back to playing with my new laptop. It ain't gonna surf for porn on it's own, you know.
Very nice...you must have been a good girl all year or something! I got a box of Cocoa Puffs for my birthday...
I once again find myself wanting to borrow your friends.
I got a book from S! Yea! He remembered!
Nothing from L though. Shocka!
dang. I thought everyone in Portland had an Apple and rode a bicycle. Why are you messing with my stereotypes?
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