I somehow managed to survive the weekend in Seattle but only just barely. I managed to partially lose my voice, probably from yelling "Fuckpants" at strangers at the top of my lungs. Yep, stole that from Will and it was the "word of the weekend", usually used in combinations with other words, like "Shut the fuck up, Fuckpants!". Seattle will never be the same.
We started out the weekend at Peso's---Etip, Jayson, Heffe and Rusty joining S, Leigh, Frankie and I for cocktails Friday evening. It was boy's night and we managed to hijack Etip, Jayson, Rusty and Heffe for a bit but they were headed to the gay bar to pick up girls. Yeah, I don't understand that logic either, but I don't expect everyone to follow my messed up thinking. When Etip found out the chicks were going somewhere other than the gay bar, he jumped ship and joined us, so we ended up at Tini Biggs consuming she-she drinks and unsuccessfully attempting to order hummus. Much drinking ensued and before long we were described by Etip as "three drunk bitches". After that the dog was walked and the car was retrieved, but we don't really know who did what or in what order. S and Leigh spooned on the couch and I did what I do best, passed out.

The next morning Leigh woke us up at the ungodly hour of 8:30 because it was time to eat breakfast at the 5 Points. Rusty and Frankie finally met up with us and then Paul showed up eventually as well. We actually started in on the Bloody Marias/Marys at about 9:30 and were well on our way to Drunk-o-ville when I started the Fuckpants bullshit. Highly entertaining for our drunk-off-our-assess selves. We finally left just shy of being cut off/kicked out and wandered to S's apartment for a little regrouping. Which means more drinking. Then off to Pauls to listen to his many albums, and when I say many I mean THOUSANDS and when I say albums I mean "not CDs, either". Paul is a bit of a collector. Around the time of the first beer run we began making harassing calls to the Monk, who was stuck in Portland working. He had long engaging and meaningful conversations with Rusty, Sarah, who knows who else, and has never had the pleasure of meeting any of them yet. Everyone is now a fan of the Monk. Rusty, S and I then left as Rusty had to work and S and I had a party to go to or something. So we went to Pesos and drank until I was telling the guy next to me at the bar "You know you like me" and yelling Fuckpants at passing taxis. That was, oh, about 9:30, maybe earlier and I promptly passed out while S went back out to the bar to act like she was sober.

The next morning S announced she would not be drinking at all. I was not so brave, in fact I needed a hair of the dog. Before long I had consumed all the hairs and S had a few as well. Frankie had left his jacket at a bar the night before so he and I were going to drop in and get it before we headed to pick up Leigh. Turns out you don't need 2 people to pick up a jacket, you need more like 5 or 7 so we all met up for a goodbye cocktail. Hmmm, no wonder I don't feel so good today.
Fun weekend! Muy muy Fun-o! Thanks S, Leigh, Aurora, Rusty, Paul, Etip, et al, but most of all, thank YOU, FUCKPANTS!. Muy fun-o.
Oh, you must've forgotten the two completely incoherent voicemails you left me as well. Something about I needed to get my ass up there or something like that. I couldn't really understand through all the slurring and noise from the bar you were at. But yeah, I got 2 calls on Saturday....drunk ass bitches....be prepared to get a bunch of them this weekend, since Ms. S and I will be on a 3 day bender starting Thursday!
Fuckpants rules, I'm using it too, thanks Will (whoever you are) Fuckpants is the BOMB!
You should have left it at "Thanks Rusty, my ass still hurts!" and let everyone wonder.
You can use anything I have to give.
If you got anything else on the caliber of "fuckpants" lying around, give it up.
The only other ones I use are "Fuck that...fuck that in the mouth" when I'm really opposed to something.
When I get a deal or set up with something nice like concert tickets or a free sit and spin I'll say i'm "In there like a tall dog"
"Fuck that, fuck that in the mouth" is precious. I'll have to remember that one when I go visit Mom.
The posts are almost better than the telling of the weekend tales...
Will is hilarious, I now officially love Will.
You LOVE MY WILL???? Back off, bitch, I saw him first.
Relax spaz, I love Will because he is funny. I love you too, that doesn't mean I want to lick you or anything.
Ok, maybe I would lick you, but not in the naughty bits, I'd lick your face or something, just for the gross out factor.
There Plenty of Will for everyone.
The Monk's an Aussie, they may note have that phrase down there. I'll have to familarize him with it.
Here is a sit and spin: http://www.boscovs.com/wcsstore/boscovs/images/store/product/images/43294811334660.jpg
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