Moving on up!
I am so slammed at work that this may very well be the only post I'll do today, so I hope you enjoyed it. Make sure to check out Sarahbeth's blog and post lots of comments so she won't be like SOMEONE ELSE WE KNOW who will remain nameless and doesn't post that regularly.
The next morning Leigh woke us up at the ungodly hour of 8:30 because it was time to eat breakfast at the 5 Points. Rusty and Frankie finally met up with us and then Paul showed up eventually as well. We actually started in on the Bloody Marias/Marys at about 9:30 and were well on our way to Drunk-o-ville when I started the Fuckpants bullshit. Highly entertaining for our drunk-off-our-assess selves. We finally left just shy of being cut off/kicked out and wandered to S's apartment for a little regrouping. Which means more drinking. Then off to Pauls to listen to his many albums, and when I say many I mean THOUSANDS and when I say albums I mean "not CDs, either". Paul is a bit of a collector. Around the time of the first beer run we began making harassing calls to the Monk, who was stuck in Portland working. He had long engaging and meaningful conversations with Rusty, Sarah, who knows who else, and has never had the pleasure of meeting any of them yet. Everyone is now a fan of the Monk. Rusty, S and I then left as Rusty had to work and S and I had a party to go to or something. So we went to Pesos and drank until I was telling the guy next to me at the bar "You know you like me" and yelling Fuckpants at passing taxis. That was, oh, about 9:30, maybe earlier and I promptly passed out while S went back out to the bar to act like she was sober.
If you're interested in the progress of the Rufus Project or just have a few minutes to burn or feel as though you are in dire need of a little moderate punishment, click here. If you are adept at counting you will notice that there are 13 pictures for the month of February. 13? Hmmmm. So far there have been 17 days this month. Does someone not possess math skills? Yes, but that's beside the point. Has someone been a bit of a slacker recently? Yep. Is it a challenge to get a decent shot of Rufus, especially if you're not using a flash? Yes, that fucker can't keep still and I easily deleted 20 unsuccessful shots yesterday evening. Am I growing tired of the subject matter? Hell yes, well, maybe only a little. I won't be posting this weekend as I won't be near a computer, unless they happen to have them in dive bars in Seattle. Hell, it's a progressive city, they very well just might.
So, yes, I am off this afternoon to visit S in Seattle. It's going to be frickin' cold up there but the skies will be clear and the sidewalks dry. I only brought a light jacket with me so I'm sure to "catch my death". Serves me right.
Leigh, Frank and I are going to be springing a surprise on S but I can't tell you now because she'll probably read this and then it wouldn't be much of a surprise, now would it?
Be scared for me. Leigh, Frank and S are all world class drinkers and I'm liable not to keep up. Hopefully I won't pee my pants. Hopefully I'll get to see Rusty, too!
Later.............be good while I'm gone, and bundle up!
The Monk and I got to witness 7 fabulous and breath-taking waterfalls, much like this one (picture b, below).
We took 2 separate trails, the first having two impressive waterfalls, the second with 5, one of which was a double waterfall (only I foolishly failed to capture the moment digitally). Both trails consisted of a nice hike down the canyon, a stroll from one waterfall to the next, and then a hellatious hike back up the canyon. Since it was sunny and I was exerting energy, I had managed to work up a sweat and decided to remove some layers of clothing, the first to go a faux fur-lined vest (such the stylist hiker am I, going lovely with my black Ugg boots). When one less layer failed to relieve the extreme heat I was suffering from, I then decided to remove my black fleece pull over (with the cutest black satin patches on the elbows). Now you’d think someone grown up and responsible could remove a fleece pullover without incident. You’d think so, yes, but like most things I do, I have proven you wrong again. As I pulled the fleece over my head I managed to get the zipper pull (yep, a functional zipper at the high collared neck) stuck in my nose as I flung the fleece off my head. Thank god the
You're probably wondering about the photo above, since it has absolutely nothing to do with today's post. It just appeared on my camera some time back and I decided to post it here because I was too lazy to take any Super Bowl Party photos. Holding a camera got in the way of drinking my Mike's Hard Lemonaded and screaming at the TV screen. Certainly some questionable calls.
So, I was sitting at my computer last night reading Estella
Estella's blogs are the funniest around and really make me laugh----she's so out there with her descriptions. Anyway, since just before Christmas I've been reading her archived posts and unfortunately last night I finally caught up to the present post, meaning I no longer have a reason to live. Major depression set in. And of course the best thing in the world to reverse depression is the angelic face of a beloved pet gazing up at you saying "everything's going to be O.K.".
Unfortunately I only have Rufus, so he'd have to do.
So I was sitting there and kinda hungry but not really, so I scrounged around in the cabinets for something to nibble on. I found a small bag of walnuts and held it up to show Rufus. "How about walnuts?" I asked. Rufus nodded his head and whispered "yeah, heh heh, yeah". So I sat back down at the computer to read and absently popped a few walnuts in my mouth, then one for Rufus. A couple for me, one for Rufus. This went on for a while until my reading was distracted by a little *tick* sound. I looked around but nothing, just Rufus looking up at me. Hmmmmm, interesting. Ok, back to reading. Then I heard it again. *Tick*. I looked down and there were two partially chewed walnuts on the floor. "Eat that" I said, pointing to one. Rufus looked at it and looked at me. "Nope", So I gave him another walnut. He ate it. Gave him another and he puckered up and spit it on the floor. "You're eating some but not others?" I asked. He nodded his head. "Why?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Don't waste food. There are starving children in China" I said, sounding exactly like my mother. "Don't they eat dog?" Rufus asked with a worried look in his eye (the wall eye, that's the one that shows fear). "Spit one more out and you'll find out the hard way".
I gotta get out more.
So check out Estella and Will while you're at it. I'm adicted to both.