Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Blogging for dinosaurs.

By now we all (meaning just me and the one person who landed here by accident) know that the popularity of blogging has pretty much gone the way of the rotary phone, as evidenced here, in favor of the 140 character message that ADD afflicted America finds so charming, but I have found evidence to the contrary, my good man! We may in fact still be a civilized people! Maybe. Case in point:

Exhibit A: 15 Minute Lunch (of the now infamous JC Penney catalogue post fame) just celebrated his 5th birthday. Happy Blogiversary, Johnny!

Exhibit B: Out of Character managed to out maneuver being wiped off the face of cyberspace---if that at all makes sense. Possibly the best-ever blog post in the history of blogging has been saved for posterity!

Exhibit C: Miss Doxie posted again. Finally.

Exhibit D: I've managed to find yet another blog (without really trying) that I find interesting enough to bookmark, if for no other reason that that adorable banner photo. Cute enough on it's own even if the writing were not as good as it is.

Then again I am pretty easy to please, but that's another, unrelated topic.

So let us celebrate the blog! Raise your glass and toast this ancient story-telling media! It may be wheezing but it ain't dead yet. Hell, lookie here, House of Suz still stands, and that in itself is somthing.

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