It appears the only thing I have collected in photos, aside from wedding self-portraits, would be photos of my Rufus. So it appears you all must suffer through these cute snapshots---some you've seen before, some not so much.

The roommate and I have gone on a 30 day detox. Shocking, I know. I am afraid I will end up like the Boogie Man from Nightmare Before Christmas, when his burlap wrap comes undone all that's left is a mound of all things gross, snakes, germs, bugs, you get the picture. Only in my case once the toxins are gone, so am I (hence the new banner blurb).
You'll lose 10 lbs in tannins alone.
Remember I started my blog doing just that, no booze for a month, I didn't make it...good luck!
Oh, and BTW, I love pics of Rufus, I would LOVE for him and my Georgie to meet one day, they can destroy the EARTH together!
Oh, no one said anything about giving up drinking.
Uhmmmmm. You're supposed to go to Mute Monday Headquarters and announce "I'm Up" in the comments section. That way, you get more visitors.
Cute hound!
So, I've heard you've be talking about my toes. My toenailless big toes to be exact. How would you like it if you did a search on your own name (I was board) and all you find is a blog about your defects. LOL :)
Suz it's me Steve! I hope you're the same Suz I used to hang out and drink captain and diet Pepsi with on the back deck in Dallas or I'll feel really silly. Drop me a line
Oh my god, the original Binford has reared it's ugly toe-nailless head!
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