Someone's a big boy today!
Happy Birthday Roommate!

Remember the jury duty I got summonsed on a week or so back? I had been told that jury duty in Multnomah County was a one day affair which I didn't think was any big deal. Well I looked at the cover letter a little more closely to check out the location I was required to report to and noticed it was a Grand Jury I was being called on. And when I looked even more closely at the bold-faced, underlined portion of the letter I read the words "your service is for one trial (so far so good, right?) which is estimated to last 5 weeks starting on 1-25-08". FIVE WEEKS. I ran this by my boss and was applauded for serving my civic duty but was informed that the company only foots the bill for one week of jury duty and I could use vacation (two weeks) for the remainder and/or not get paid. Listen up, if I'm taking a month's leave from work it ain't gonna be to sit in no court room. I'm thinking a sunny location with a beach and open bar so I scoured the letter searching for a phone number to call in and weasel out of the whole matter. Inconveniently the only number on the 2 page letter was for the juror information hotline, where I was to call the day before my trial. Called it and got a recording listing panel numbers and the dates they were to convene. As luck would have it panel number 2902, on which I am juror 2927936, has been cancelled and I do not have to show up for my 5 weeks in unemployed hell. I guess someone accepted a plea bargain. Works for me.
Happy Roommate's Birthday, ya'll!
1 comment:
Tell him Happy Birthday for me too! He's going to have to grow up soon, you know ;)
Hey, I was in Pat's restaurant the other day...he didn't recognize me :( and I didn't want to bother him. The food was good usual.
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