My dear nephew, Jared, who only ever attended public school for less than 1 day and spent his entire K through 12 schooling at private, Catholic schools and is currently enrolled in a non-Catholic college, sent this one out. He has my family's sarcasm jean, that's for sure.
Britney, Britney, Britney. What's a horrified public to do? Poor thing is on a one way boat to doom, despair and a career as a Wal-Mart greeter if she doesn't get her act together. "Train wreck" doesn't do her existence justice. And watching the whole thing unravel is like picking at a hangnail----a little bit of guilty pleasure and a whole lot of pain---watching this dimming-star implode. Someone stop her before someone, probably on of those poor, inbreed babies, gets hurt.
Did I tell you the Roommate and I are a Nielsen Family? Well, it's just for a week starting today, but still. If you are of a certain age, like yours truly, you will remember the power and prestige associated with being a rater in the 70's and 80's. Now, not so much. Especially since our household does not watch that much TV (network or cable) and even less now that the writer's are on strike and TV is even more a wasteland than it used to be. I fear our TV watching diary will be mostly blank. Sorry, we'll do the best we can do.