I wrote this post yesterday but wasn't able to download the photo until this morning. So the post is kind of stale---sue me. I brought the tape ladies to work since our new building has a store front with lots of windows; I decided to dress them up for Halloween, kind of like what Google does on holidays, so the glorious photo to the left is what held up this post.
Ah, Halloween, as close to a religious holiday as you can get in my book. I brought the three tape ladies to work and have them in the window of my office, all dressed up for the occasion (will post a photo later, brought my camera but am not able to download on my computer here at work). Tonight I am going to a little soirée at a wine bar, the sole purpose of which is to avoid trick or treaters at the house. Now I'm not a total Grinch and have no problem handing out candy to the kiddies, but the constant door bell ringing drives Rufus crazy which in turn drives me crazy, so I'm avoiding the whole situation. With wine---now that's what I call a treat. Bonus!
Thinking back over the years, I have to admit I've has some pretty interesting costumes. I went as a black voodoo queen a number of years back, when I lived in south Louisiana. Wonder if I offended anyone. Also, one year I went to a party as "crime", black "cat burglar" jacket and pants and a burglar's mask (not ski mask, though) and when I ordered drinks and the bartenders told me the price I just said "I'm crime, and crime doesn't pay" and walked away. Got away with that quite a few times, I tell ya. One year I had a "Come as Someone Dead" Halloween party; Jack and Jackie, Marilyn and Mickey Mantel, David Koresh and even God attended. Last year a group of us went as "America's Next Muffin Top Models" which was fun. This year I think I'll just show up as I am and go as a lush.
UPDATE! According to Erin it's NaBloPoMo. This should make my reader (ie: Rusty) happy because it means I just might be guilted into posting daily-ish. Or not, I'm checking the rules for loopholes as we speak.
I'm conflicted as whether or not to respond...seeing as I'm not one of your readers.
I guess I'll just say hi to Rusty instead.
Hey Rusty,
What's up?
Wooowooo! I have TWO readers!
Make that three!
I walk by your building every day on my way to and from work. Crazy shit! Nice new location. I could never figure out how the old tenant managed to stay in business.
If I ever walk by and recognize you from your blog photos through the window, I’ll have to flash you a little signal. How about a little penetrating tongue between my index and middle fingers action?
Oh no! I have a stalker! Steven, I used to read your blogg but you stopped for a while; are you back? I'll have to check it out.
Too funny that you walk right by everyday. I'm in the front of the office, so flash your gang sign if you see me.
I've become on of the lamest bloggers and blog reader ever. In fact, it's sort of by chance that I even glanced at your blog and noticed the familiar mannequins.
If you see any vulgar hand gestures early this evening outside your window, that's me.
Are you creeped out?
Not at all, I was just saying last night to the Roommate that I didn't think you were coming and then I looked up and say you. Too funny.
I need to buy a trenchcoat and flash you guys on some evening when you're not expecting it.
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