I forgot it was Mute Monday. Here's my #1 Rebel*.

General gripes:
It's cold here. January cold---not November cold. The only thing I can gather from this is that it's going to be one mother of a winter here. I watched Fargo yesterday and am wondering if I need to invest in a parka and maybe some fur lined-boots. Yah? Oh, yah.
I bought a breakfast bar from the local coffee house/lunch café this morning and it has the look and consistency of particle board. In fact it tasted and smelled like particle board as well. It's taken me two hours to choke it down. Yum, that's good eatin'!
Remember when I said I was working at my friend Pat's restaurant because they were between servers? Well, three servers later and I'm still working there, which is great because I am squirreling away lots of tequila money for my trip to Mexico next month, so no gripes there. Except for the fact that we only had 3 customers on Friday night, and only one of them ordered dinner, the other two were just having cocktails. I was sent home at 7:20, two hours after I arrived. I did get free dinner out of it, though.
Still no sign of Baby Jesus.
The Thanksgiving leftovers are almost gone. It's a sad, sad day.
* Mommy's little angel.
I've been telling people since the 70's...the ice age is coming!
Bunch of new fangled alarmist squaking about global warming...Hah!
I heard on the news today that Douglas Furs here in the Pacific Northwest have produced a record number of pine cones this season and that global warming is possibly to blame. Can you imagine? We may just be swollowed by the over-production of pine cones!
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