Today's my lucky day! Evidently the last time I wore these jeans I was rich beyond my wildest dreams because I reached into the back pocket this morning and pulled out a twenty dollar bill. Normally when I do a self reach-around I usually pull out a bill I forgot to pay or a debit card receipt I omitted from my checking account balance resolution, so double win for me! Yessir, I'm ahead of the game.
Also, it’s the last day of NoPo…...El...Lem..N..Opie month, where one strives to post daily for the entire month of November. I managed to make it through the month with only missing, hmm, let's see…….one, two, three, four, five…er, let's say a handful of days, to kudos to me! Now it's off to December and slacking BIG TIME again. Yep, back to doing what I do best.
One troubling thing, though, no word from Jesus. I hope he doesn't end up like Baby Grace and wash up on shore somewhere in a Band-Aid tin. That would be soooooooo ungodly. Not to mention bad press for the tiny, clay, Virgin Mother.
Stay pure!