Monday, February 26, 2007

Oscar Night recap!

After reading my usual blogs this morning it appears the order of the day is bash the Oscars as being superficial and self celebratory and I can only somewhat agree. Although I am more in tune with the Independent Spirit awards which are presented the day before the Oscars with less gilt, pomp and circumstance I do enjoy the yearly spectacle that is the Academy rewarding their own. I don't get out to movies that often, the Roommate tends to get hijacked to all the good ones without me so I usually wait till the DVD rolls out before I get to view the best of the best, so the special preview that the Oscars affords me is greatly appreciated, allowing me to pick the films I really want to see. This was the rare year when I actually did manage to see quite a few of the nominated, so that was an added bonus.

So by now you already realize I did in fact watch the majority of the presentation but I did not do so at home sitting on my ass and eating a lot of cheese. This year I volunteered to work a benefit put on to finance the restoration of a fine Portland landmark. Film Action Oregon put on Oscar Night America as a benefit to promote it's organization and to help rejuvenating the grand old theater and I assisted by helping out my friend Pat who catered the event as well as provided the cosmos. So that was fun, I got to help out a friend, a theater and watch the show at the same time. Good times, good times. My only regret is that I didn't wear sensible shoes.

Here are some shots of the historic Hollywood Theater, built before movies had sound*!
Outside the theater today.

The theater, getting ready for opening day.

Close up of the detail of the theater's crown.

*No, I wasn't born yet.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Weekend Update

Flu I don’t know if I’m asking too much but I am still battling this stupid plague and it doesn’t seem to want to go away, much to the chagrined of anyone sitting in front of me at any one of the 3 movies I’ve gone to in as many days. This may also be the reason I haven’t gotten any better, I haven’t slowed down that much.

The weekend Just about all my friends are out of town this weekend, including Boytek and the Roommate, so pretty much the only company I have is Rufus and the dog I’m sitting for my friend Leigh, who’s lounging by a pool somewhere near Palm Springs. I’ve been taking Rufus with me when I let Guinness out, just so Guinness gets plenty of exercise in the short time I’m there but when they’re together they’re like 2 Tasmanian Devils on speed. So far today I’ve taken Guinness for a walk, gone to a movie (Factory Girl, really good), made a big ass pot of jambalaya and am about to bake some oatmeal cookies (see the Maggpie for the recipe, only 94 calories per cookie!). When I’m done it’s back to Devil duty. Tomorrow I’m working an Oscar party (pre and post) so I don’t know when I’ll have time to clean the house, let alone rest and recuperate.

IKEA The local IKEA they’re building to house all things fabulous is progressing nicely; they’ve gotten all the exterior walls erected (snicker snicker) so things are looking good for a summer opening. Only problem the Roommate’s house was built in the early 1940’s so it’s relatively small compared to the McMansions sprouting up in the suburbs, so it will be difficult to shop at IKEA and not actually buy furniture since out house has more than enough furnishings as it is. Well, at least tea candles are less than 5 miles away when in a pinch!

So there you go. Enjoy the Oscars tomorrow night!

Update to the update:
I made the cookies and they are fantastic! I did make a few changes, I used Splenda instead of sugar and added raisns. And I used a high end apple butter, Stonewall Kitchen's Caramel Apple Butter to be exact---and I would think $8.99 for 12 oz is considered high end. Two thumbs up!

Friday, February 23, 2007

On working from home and rambling stories going nowhere, seemingly pointlessly.

Today, since I’m still sick (sorry iamnot, but I am) I worked from home. Yesterday I was IMing with a coworker and mentioned I was working from home although it was pretty much forbidden per company policy to do so. My coworker stated that she worked from home from time to time (she has two young kids) as did her boss but didn’t understand it was against company policy and why were we issued laptops if we couldn’t work remotely, anyway? I stated that was just what I had been told a while back when another coworker told me the story of some guy who had worked in our office but decided to buy a big chunk of land out in some Midwestern state and intended on working remotely until he was told otherwise. Evidently he hadn’t cleared it with his supervisor and had a rude awakening after moving out to the middle of nowhere and being forced to commute 2 hours each way to the nearest Hugs and Kisses office. Fun, imagine buying a plot of land to get away from the rat race and end up having to drag your ass about 120 miles each direction, five days a week, anyway. That would seriously have to suck and I think I would have to have some sort of conniption fit or pass out like those fine southern ladies used to in old movies back when women wore corsets and were the weaker sex.

But I digress (that’s for you Shawna) so let’s just go ahead and travel back in time to my original thought about working from home. So, my coworker was surprised we couldn’t work from home and I told her I didn’t know if it was true or not but I wasn’t going to change my practices either way since I’ve been on many a team conference calls with my boss---who was on speaker phone---and unless she has a grandfather’s clock and a barking dog in her cube I suspected she works from home as well. With that statement my coworker said that I was funny and hoped my cube was going to be close to hers after the huge remodel in our office is complete next month! I can’t believe I haven’t blogged about that subject yet. So the office space my branch now occupies is cavernous, huge, I tell ya. The area my sole cube is situated in is probably 20 x 50 feet (imagine if you will a single cube sitting in that kind of a s p a c e ) and I’m the only one there---mind you, the only cube in that entire space to be exact! I can go a whole day without seeing a soul!-----which is exactly what I told my coworker stating that I see no reason to commute 45 minutes each way (if I’m lucky) to sit by myself and not see a single other employee all day. I can be lonely and unloved without wasting all that gas and getting out of my pj’s, thank you very much. But I digress again (and again, that’s for you Shawna) because I was talking about the remodel. Well, the office park our office is situated in has H&K smack next door to this company that manufactures some sort of miracle bandages that are quite popular with our boys in Iraq, so you can imagine that business is BOOMING!!! (Please note caps and multiple punctuations, that’s how popular those band aids are) and they therefore need more room, more square footage to be exact, to make more lifesaving bandages. And since there’s only 5 bodies in our huge ass warehouse of an office, the band aid company asked if they could blow out a wall and take over some of our acreage. Sidebar: at the risk of being douced, H&K is about the worst run company I have ever come across so any “easy” way to cut costs (ie: layoffs), as opposed to actually changing processes and making the company more efficient and the like, is jumped upon. All this said---and I’m kind of getting lightheaded from all these twists and turns this post is acquiring---come March our office will become a swirling dustbin of smashed walls and torn up carpet, and that’s no place for hard working slaves like us H&K drones. So we will be forced into mandatory WORK FROM HOME mode. As I’m sure you can tell, I’m heartbroken to be deprived my tightly knit office environment and all that other happy horseshit associated therein. When I told the Roomate about having to be forced to work from home he made some offhand comment about sleeping in and extra long lunch hour naps, but I know he understands how this upheaval will affect me. He understands, hell, he works there, too.

Now the interesting part is my boss (said with a straight face) will be coming to town next month and expects to spend a day with me at the office. And by office I do NOT mean my house. So let’s just make sure that’s straight from the start. She’s not taking a 2 hour lunch time nap with me, I don’t care how big my work-from-home-bed is. Period.
*Not my current work cube but you get the drift.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Shocker! (Published from my deathbed)

What? Britney is back in rehab? Who on god's green earth would have seen that coming? And who'd have thought K-Fed would turn out to be a better parent (at first glance at least)?

Some people should not be allowed to breed.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Has it been asked to leave yet?

If there's one thing I hate it those who don't know when to fucking leave, and this cold/flu/plague falls into that category, along with George Bush, the mullet and American Idol, already! This plague's approval rating is hovering down there just above Dub-ya but somehow causing a lot less pain and suffering, just enough to make me miserable.

But enough about coughing up brown shit (not green, BROWN. Where the hell did THAT come from?)---and brown shit in general (Senior Prez) for that matter. Guess what I did? I uploaded the photos from The Roommate's Very Excellent Birthday in San Diego with a side trip to South of the Border*!

I may have mentioned that the Roommate was under the impression that it was going to be a very small birthday celebration in San Diego, but boy, was he wrong...because he was greeted at the airport by this gangly bunch (it was 6 am, after all). And the surprises were only just beginning! Once on the plane and in flight I let the flight attendant know it was the Roommate's birthday so we got a round of free drinks (yea!) and then when I went to the washroom the same attendant asked the birthday boy's name because she was going to lead the entire plane in a sing along to "Happy Birthday", which was fun. Then the pilot got on the PA and announced "Flight attendants, prepaire for landing....happy birthday [Roommate]". Everyone had pleasant salutations.
Once safely delivered to our hotel I informed the Roommate that there were other surprises in store for him. One, that his friend Vicki was already in town and two, that she had arranged for a boat cruise around the bay for us all! I must admit the Roommate got a bit choaked up.

Once the boating was out of the way it was time to drink, eat and feed bait to the fishes at this cute little Mexican cantina on the water. Lots of cocktails and basking in the outhern California sun to pass the afternoon.

Later on we went out on the town but I don't remember a whole lot of where we went. I kind of made it an early evening.

The next day we got up, ate and drank and headed to the border via the trolley. Unfortunately I didn't take many pictures as my hands were occupied with tequilia shots.

The Roommate and Diane wrecking their backs; no trip to Tijuana is complete without a jump about on a trampoline. Nor is it complete without a blind drunk. Fun!

Although some of the crowd caught the early flight out Sunday morning, the stragglers were able to do a bit of sight seeing with Jen, our friend and limo driver. Can you tell I had a super-dooper hang over? I didn't think so either.

On the flight to San Diego the Roommate informed me that the "chili at the house" party I had thrown the weekend before was pretty lame, but that I had made up for it with this trip, which I had been planning forever. Yep, I am a fucking fabulous great party thrower. Want to be my new best friend?

* So you see how I am, don't ya, I wait until everyone has stopped alternating between nagging, begging and threatening me to post aforementioned photos and just when they give up all hope of ever seeing them.....I post them, to little or no fanfare. Such is life at the house of Suz. Now excuse me while I hack up a brownie.

*sniff, snort*

To whom it may concern,
Please excuse Susan from Blog as she has come down with a nasty cold that is probably actually the flu but who's keeping score. Please send her homework assignments home with the Roommate, who's the one that brought this plague into our home in the first place and is therefore responsible for doing my make up work.
Susan's mom

Sorry kiddos, I've been in sick bay all weekend, and by "all weekend", yes, I mean I got President's Day off from work but not from sick. To add insult to injury I actually did a couple hours of work yesterday as well. Holidy + sick + work = hating life. Yea Me! This shit hit me like a load of bricks around 6 pm on Friday so I've been a ball of fun ever since.

Yesterday the Roommate, Boytek and I celebrated Presidents Day but decided to omit 3 of the last 4 presidents on principal. See if you can guess which three---if you guess wrong then you're just a tard.

Yeah, I'm snippy when I'm sick.

And finally, here's a little joke for you:
Why can't lesbians diet and wear makeup at the same time?

Because you can't eat Jenny Craig when you have Mary Kay on your face.

snicker snicker

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I heart VD, yes I do! I heart VD, how 'bout you?

Yep, it's that day again, the day when we are forced to say "I love you" just like most days only today---it's gonna cost ya. Because of this Hallmark invented holiday we are forced to say it with flowers, dinner and chocolate. Yep, that's how I want to know someone loves me---forced.
Now you're probably thinking I'm bitter. Well, I am, about a lot of things but not Valentines Day. I'd rather get almost anything any other day of the year as a token of affection than the required on the expected. Because you HAVE to and all. Oh, and make a show of it, too, have a hundred heart shaped mylar balloons delivered to your honey's workplace so everyone who didn't get squat feels bad for themselves while secretly hating your beloved. And no, the reason I worked from home today is NOT because there's no one to send me roses at Hugs and Kisses.
But that was very cute of me, wasn't it? I get Hugs & Kisses every fucking day, so there. Too bad they're painful.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Greetings from.....

....beautiful Spokane, Washington! I settled into my hotel room at 7:00 pm, with a lovely miniature bottle of Merlot (yes, fucking Merlot!) and a roll of Tums, because they deep fry mac and cheese here and this isn't even Arkansas. Or Oklahoma!

Need I say more? Pray for me----oh, and a 7 am wake up call would be lovely.

Monday, February 12, 2007

It's all about questions.

Stole this from Kali. Color me lazy today.

The phone rings. Who do you want it to be?
Since it's usually the Roommate calling, I'll say him.

When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
Yep, unless it's raining.

In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? I used to be shy but now I'm a talker.
Do you take compliments well?
Nope, I guess I don't believe the complimenter.

Do you play Sudoku?
Don't even know what it is.

If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive?
Probably not very long.

Have you ever been in love?

Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
Girl Scout day camp.

What was your favorite sport as a kid?
I didn't play sports at all but I watched football (Go Cowboys!).

Use three words to describe yourself?
Funny, scared, disappointed.

Do any songs make you cry?
No, but movies can.

Are you continuing your education?
School of hard knocks count?

Do you know how to shoot a gun?
I have only shot a gun once, at a shooting range, and although it was fun I don't like guns.

If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you’d grab?
Rufus, the frog and artwork. The evil cat can fend for herself.

How often do you read books?

Do you think more about the past, present or future?

What is your favorite children’s book?
Children's Garden of Verses by Robert Lewis Stevenson. Did you expect "Everyone Poops"?

Were is your dream house located?
Tropical island.

Do you like mustard?
Hello random! Love it, especially the chunky kind.

Do you prefer to sleep or eat?

Do you look like your mom or dad?
I don't think I look like either. Maybe the mail man?

How long does it take you in the shower?
15 to twenty minutes. I have long legs and they take a while to shave.

Can you do splits?

What movie do you want to see right now?
Factory Girl, I am fascinated by Andy Warhol.

What did you do for New Year’s?
Dr T at Kennedy School.

Do you own a camera phone?
My Hugs and Kisses phone has a camera but not my personal cell. Yes, I'm a geek and have two.

Was your mom a cheerleader?
No, but I was in pep squad.

What’s the last letter of your name?
Both first and last ends with an N.

Do you like care bears?
They are dumb. I wish I had one because I'd give it to Rufus and let him pick out it's eyes.

What do you buy at the movies?
Not a whole lot.

Do you know how to play poker?
Not well. No, change that, pretty much not at all.

Do you wear your seatbelt?
Always, I drive a Jeep and those puppies roll.

What do you wear to sleep?
A tank top and thong; you never know who's going to be at the house at any given moment. Or if I had been out drinking, all my clothes, including the shoes.

Anything big ever happen in your hometown?
Not really sure which city would constitute as my home town, but I did live in Dallas and we all know what happened in Deally Plaza.

How many meals do you eat a day?
One that lasts sunrise to sunset.

Is your tongue pierced?

Do you like funny or serious people better?
Funny, hands down.

Ever been to L.A.?
Several times, all pretty much to see Rufus Wainwright.

Do you use cuss words in other languages?
Oddly enough, I know how to say "fuck" in Latin.

Do you steal or pay for your music downloads?
I don't have an Ipod or MP3 player.

What do you and your parents fight about the most?
I don't fight with my mom, but if we did it would be politics. Dad's dead, so we don't really talk.

If you could have any job (assuming you have the skills) what would it be?
Studio artist.

Are you easy to get along with?
Extremely, except when drunk and then I'm an asshole. Just ask the Roommate.

What is your favorite time of day?
Happy hour. I know, shocking.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith, can it get any weirder?

Ok, I must ask you, can it get any more weird?

Marrying an octogenarian oil tycoon, train wreck of a reality show and mysterious death aside, this paternity suite for dearly departed Anna Nicole Smith has taken a turn toward the twilight zone. Anytime you add Zsa Zsa Gabor to a story, things start to get a little to weird for real life. You know, come to think of it, I could be the father of that child. Maybe I'll get in on this game before EVERYONE throws their hat into the ring.

Hey, Shawna, add Ms Smith to your blog and I bet you'll get tons of hits!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Chachacha changes!

Blogger forced me to upgrade to Beta, only it's not Beta anymore but whatever. If denial is that easy then I'm not old, so there.

I know some of the writers of blogs I read regularly have had a holy hell shit experience when forced to change to NotBeta but so far so good for me. Fingers crossed.

The Roommate and I went to see The Queen last night and Helen Mirren did a superb job portraying an up tight twit, but she always does a great job with whatever role she portrays. Prince Charles was portrayed as a spineless sniveling twit and I always thought of him as strong, yet dumb in an inbred sort of way; Prince Phillip was the one I always viewed as spineless, I mean he's old and he's still a prince and he's never getting a promotion. His wife is the queen so she pretty much should be the one wearing the pants in the family. Queen mother was kind of spiteful but she was always viewed as sweet, so maybe they were playing everyone against their assumed personalities. Who knows, but it was highly entertaining.

But what was most interesting about the movie is basically what's interesting about the way the Roommate and I go to movies, with a backpack full of goodies, and when I say goodies I mean a bottle of wine, turkey jerky, smoked salmon and triple cheese Kettle chips. He did buy some whoppers at the theater, so they did make SOME money off of us. I highly suggest you go to movies like this, especially if it's a kiddie flick you're taking in. A lovely Oregon Pinot Noir goes great with cartoons.

When the part about Diana dying came up the Roommate turned to me and wispered "I remember exactly where I was when I learned Diana had died, Mayflower Hotel in Seattle". I responded "Me too, I was sitting on the toilet taking a dump at my friend Mark's house". I guess it's our generation's version of "Where were you when you heard Kennedy had been shot?". Go ahead and post where you were when you had heard the news of the royal death, may be interesting. Then again, it may not be either, only time will tell, so do your part and comment.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I *heart* Roman NY!

Two years ago, in Sept. '04, the Roommate took me to NYC for my birthday; it was my fist time there as an adult. Although we had planned on going to all the museums and doing the sigh-seeing thing we only managed to visit a few of the many attractions, Central Park being one. So this short story is about just that day.

We went to the park early in the day, say mid morning, and the Roommate wanted to see the park via horse drawn carriage. It being late September, the weather was perfect for an open carriage ride around the park. As we neared Tavern on the Green we were approached by a beautiful young man with blond hair and a Russian accent who asked if we were interested in a bicycle-rickshaw ride around the park, to which the Roommate informed him that we had our hearts set on a carriage ride. The nice (looking) young man politely informed us that carriage rides were much more expensive than his offering and that the horse-drawn carriages were limited to only certain portions of the park, and that since he didn't have anything else going on that day, we could negotiate for however long we liked. Well, what we liked was this nice young Russian, so in the carriage we climbed.

Roman, our driver (?) was very informative about all the sights in the park and all the different parts of the park to see. We posed as he took our photo and enjoyed great times for several hours. Roman told us all about himself, his beautiful girlfriend (even had a photo) and offered to take us anywhere we wanted---for no extra charge---even Time Square! So we took him up on it, imagine NYC rush hour in a bicycle-powered contraption! Roman asked us if we wanted him to take us to a genuine vodka room, so we of course answered to the affirmative: Yes, Roman, take us to the Vodka Room! There we sipped many vodkas and enjoyed many laughs with our new Russian friend. Then we realized how late it was and that we had tickets to a Broadway show shortly, so we bid our new friend adieu, after exchanging phone numbers, of course. We went to the show (Hairspray, front row center) and as we exited the theater, who did we see in the street with his bicycle rickshaw, but Roman, squiring 2 middle aged ladies around the theater district. The Roommate called out and ran to Roman, who of course recognized him since it had only been a few hours since our parting, and let me tell you, those ladies didn't so much like the Roommate welching in on their Roman time. It was a crazy end to a crazy-fun day, and one of my favorite memories from that trip.

Fast forward to just before Christmas 2006: the Roommate is exchanging e-mail with some friends who had moved from Portland to Minnesota, Lisa and Don. They tell him they are heading to New York City for Christmas so the Roommate give them Roman's cell number and tell them to call him for a good time in Central Park. Well, we haven't heard the story yet but this photo popped up in the Roommate's inbox today. Our friend Lisa in Roman's bike-thingie. I can't wait to hear the story.

If you're ever going to NYC ask for Roman's number, good times, good times.


I am under a deadline to get a dispute resolved but instead I am here blogging. Yeah, I have a problem.

Anywho, I just wanted to give a little shout out to my favorite wine shop in Portland, Cork, which happens to be conveniently located within walking distance to our house. Or stumbling distance, depending on which direction I am headed.

Anyway, I registered online to take a beginner's wine tasting class there and now am registered to order wine on line! I can even get it delivered to my house if I'm too lazy to walk the 5 blocks to the shop to pick it up. Too bad I can't drink it online, then I'd be drinking now, at work at 9:00 am.

Anyway, if you are a wine-o, check out their site. It's a great shop with great, knowledgeable staffers and they specialize in 100 wines for under twenty bucks! How great is that! Plus they have weekly wine tasting on Fridays and the shop is on my way home from work! Happy Happy Hour! Check 'em out!

Ok, back to the dispute! Toast to me, everyone!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Rufus look (and act) alike

A friend sent me this shot because the dog reminded him of my Rufus. Man that dog caught some air! Not sure where the photo came from but it looks like this little guy was shot out of a cannon. Fly, Rufus, fly!!!

Google Image Search: Insomnia

Several times a year this happens to me, I just have way too much trouble falling asleep and then even more trouble staying asleep. I've been having issues the last few weeks but last night was definitely the worst. I figure I got a total of 2 hours sleep over the course of the night, I know I got up several times and just laid there awake for hour-plus spans a good chunk of the night. Poor Rufus's sleep was interrupted, and he likes to show his disapproval by squiggling around on his back and making grinding sounding growls. What keeps me awake is my inability to breath, sinuses are in an uproar despite the best efforts of my buddies Benedryl and Sudaphed. Even as I type this I am laboring for breath, something that is uncomfortable during the day but completely prevents slumber at night. Not sure how I'm going to solve this one; a good rain might be the answer, since it's been pretty dry here for winter time, so that may be the culprit.

Did anyone catch that acid-induced pre-game show before the Super Bowl yesterday? Could you have any more movement, bright color blocks and Keith Herring-esque squiggles on the field? The only part I liked about it was the guy with balloons who floated up and down. Oh, and I liked when it ended, too. That was the best part of Pre Game.

Friday, February 02, 2007

All About Me

I was asked to prepare a brief bio of myself and description of my job for our branch so I thought I'd share with all of you (yes, this means I still haven't downloaded the San Diego photos, keep your pants on, already!). Here goes:

I was raised in Louisiana (but did eventually learn to read although math is still a challenge) but moved to Oregon from Dallas, Texas. I spent the last 8 years in customer service at "Asshole Co." but jumped ship when Other Telecom bought them out. I'm a visual artist (accepted to two group shows last year and intend on having a one woman show this year---stay tuned), love to travel, am an amateur writer and an avid "action chef" (if you're nice to me I'll make Jambalaya for Mardi Gras! See how I worked in my Louisiana upbringing?) but spend most of my free time trying to keep my manic dog, Rufus (named after the singer, Rufus Wainwright) from chewing all my earthly possessions while maintaining his extensive collection of muzzles, harnesses, leashes and shock collars. I love Portland, especially NE where I reside with my best friend in a house known for exquisite entertaining. People think I'm funny (but in a good way---well, mostly). This concludes the "More info than most people know about Susan" essay (this essay doubles as my resume, FYI).

Feel free to edit as you see fit.

My job as an ARM (Account Retention Manager) officially consists of maintaining a relationship with the top revenue generating customers in the Portland area in order to retain and grow their business with H&K. This position also includes a lot of hand holding and groveling.

So, he said keep it light. Too much?

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Because I care, and it's been a while since I posted.

So, obviously this isn't a shot of the San Diego coast or a photo of the Gasslamp area, althought it could possibly be a photo taken in Tijuana, but it ain't. I just thought that since I'm taking my good sweet time uploading my photo from last weekend's BIRTHDAY FIESTA, I'd do a quick post that would be both witty and timely. Since it's almost Super Bowl Sunday, here's a little story about chili.

I made up this completely vegan chili recipe out of no where, just made it up in my head and the Roommate, who will pretty much eat anything I cook, ordained it the best chili ever. Yeah, I out did myself. So now I'm stuck writing the recipe down and following it to the letter because I usually action cook* and throw in whatever suits my mood. But on this occasion the Roommate insists I make it the exact same way always, by my own recipe including the cornbread.

Now although I'm an awesome cook, I don't have the patience to bake---too many rules and if you action bake* you will come up with flat pastries and runny cookies---and no one likes that. So while we were at Trader Joe's one day I decided to pick up a box of cornbread mix----only a fat dumb bitch was standing right in front of them blocking my view, so I was forced to snort loudly, reach around her girth, give her stink eye and grab a box off the shelf. Went home, made chili and cornbread and the Roommate LOVED the corn bread, and doesn't it have a slight lemon flavor? And sooooo yummy! The cornbread was so good with the chili that the next time I made chili, I made a special trip to Trader Joe's to get the exact same brand of cornbread. Only problem is that there was NOT a fat bitch standing in front of the cornbread mix, so this time I did notice that it was not in fact cornbread mix, but actually lemon CAKE mix. Yep, cake, it's what's for dinner.

Anywho, now every time I make chili the Roommate insists that I make that same cornbread and I promptly remind him that it was not in fact cornbread, but lemon CAKE, and CAKE is desert, not dinner. Although it was awful good.

So tonight when I made chili I picked up a box of Krusteaz Honey Cornbread and Muffin Mix (ask for it by name) and added the juice of one lemon. Well, it's tasty, not CAKE, and it could actually use the juice of a second lemon, and probably a little more honey. But at least it is not CAKE. And that's what's for dinner.

* The Jackson Pollock version of cooking.