Several times a year this happens to me, I just have way too much trouble falling asleep and then even more trouble staying asleep. I've been having issues the last few weeks but last night was definitely the worst. I figure I got a total of 2 hours sleep over the course of the night, I know I got up several times and just laid there awake for hour-plus spans a good chunk of the night. Poor Rufus's sleep was interrupted, and he likes to show his disapproval by squiggling around on his back and making grinding sounding growls. What keeps me awake is my inability to breath, sinuses are in an uproar despite the best efforts of my buddies Benedryl and Sudaphed. Even as I type this I am laboring for breath, something that is uncomfortable during the day but completely prevents slumber at night. Not sure how I'm going to solve this one; a good rain might be the answer, since it's been pretty dry here for winter time, so that may be the culprit.
Did anyone catch that acid-induced pre-game show before the Super Bowl yesterday? Could you have any more movement, bright color blocks and Keith Herring-esque squiggles on the field? The only part I liked about it was the guy with balloons who floated up and down. Oh, and I liked when it ended, too. That was the best part of Pre Game.
Have you tried those little tape-things that go over the bridge of your nose? You know, like the ones that football players wear...
I know those didn't nose thingies work on my ex, but he had sleep apnea (sp?).
I've had insomnia for about 10 years now, but that's due to my brain's inability to shut down at the end of the day unless I drink copious amounts of alcohol (assuming you've already tried that). I'm a big fan and user of the sleep aids, but if yours is a sinus thing, it won't help that. My doctor has also known that I've taken then Sunday-Thursday for 10 years and swears my liver is ok, he's done tests.
Coricidin D is an AWESOME decongestant that usually within 30 minutes of taking you are knocked out, Jodi and I are big fans of it. Also, 20/20 did a report on it a few years ago, kids for a while were taking 4-5x the recommended dosage and actually tripping like they were on acid. I however, did not try that, I have only taken the recommended dosage (really, I swear, not to say I didn't THINK about it though)
You need sex.
Ok, maybe that's just because I'm a pig-man and sex always makes me sleep.
Oh wait. It's ME that needs sex. I knew it was one of us.
Are you sleepy when you come home from work? Do you nap at all during the day (even sitting up in your chair with your eyes open - I have a friend who perfected that sort of napping in college)? I have the problem of being exhausted when I get home, but by the time bedtime rolls around, I'm wide awake...like right now.
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