Rain | High 56 °F Low 53 °F | | Precip: | | 80% | |
| Wind:
| S at 13 mph
| UV Index:
| 1 Low
| Humidity:
| 90%
| Sunrise:
| 6:53 AM
| Sunset:
| 4:55 PM
| Cloudy with periods of rain. High 56F. Winds S at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 80%. Rainfall around a half an inch. | |   Rain / Wind | High 58 °F Low 52 °F | | Precip: | | 90% | |
| Wind:
| S at 13 mph
| UV Index:
| 1 Low
| Humidity:
| 87%
| Sunrise:
| 6:55 AM
| Sunset:
| 4:53 PM
| close
|  details Rain likely. High 58F. Winds S at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 90%. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch. | |   Light Rain | High 58 °F Low 55 °F | | Precip: | | 70% | |
| Wind:
| S at 7 mph
| UV Index:
| 1 Low
| Humidity:
| 88%
| Sunrise:
| 6:56 AM
| Sunset:
| 4:52 PM
| Light rain. Highs in the upper 50s and lows in the mid 50s. | |
yeah I was born in Vancouver and my brother in Portland. Then we moved to Hawaii and forgot what rain was....
Boy, what a pessimist! Look at that forcast...it only says 90% chance of rain!
Eh...I think I'll stay in southern California with my 75 degree December days. ;)
We'll summer in Oregon and be rainbirds in Arizona for the winter....
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