I guess I took advantage of the 4 day weekend---in more ways than just eating and drinking too much---and went ahead and took myself a little blog vacation as well. Better get used to it, next Tuesday I am going on a real vacation to somewhere with sun, sand and surf and probably not a whole lot of internet, so tumble weeds will be blowing across this page. And I think I deserve a little warmth since I am sitting in my cube here at work with my coat on and my gloves on as I type this, which ain't easy. Typing on a laptop is kind of odd with gloves, I keep getting bonus letters in my typing, but since I am freezing it is the only way I can work without losing feeling in my fingers. Our office must be run by Scrooge or our building run by a slumlord, because if it's cold outside, it's colder in here. Not sure where that logic comes from but it was snowing when I drove in this morning, so you probably can imagine it's a little on the fridgid side in here. So thank god for Key West and I am officially counting down the days till next Tuesday.
The Roommate and I hosted the annual orphan's Thanksgiving and I must say it was quite fun, about 15 folks came for the feasting. Everyone brought a side dish or wine and our friend Frankie made the bird so I was freed from the majority of the responsibilities and was able to focus on the stuffing (my own recipe and quite tasty, I must say) and a few side dishes. I even slummed a bit with a comfort food dish, broccoli with a Velveeta sauce, and wouldn't you know it that dish was completely devoured. Who'd have thunk it? Yum all around and a good time was had by all.
I am happy to report I have officially started my holiday shopping and vow as god is my witness that I will not enter a shopping mall to purchase a single gift. The internet is our friend and personal shopper after all and a happy holiday is a click away.
I'm wondering about this beta version of Blogger? Anyone feel it's time I switched? I'm just a little scared about the "no turning back" part and losing my comfort zone. Anyone have any horror stories to report that will scare be away from beta?
And now I leave you with these parting words of wisdom: the worst part of a 4 day weekend is coming back to work a 5 day work week, it's probably going to feel like a 7 day stretch. I wish I were still in bed this very minute and doubt if anyone would even miss me if I had slept in.
Happy Sucky Monday everyone! Try to stay warm!
well it may be a bad day for you but seeings as how I did not get a single day off all week not even thanksgiving day I don't feel much sorry for you. In fact I love Monday because it is my only day off all week. But I'm not bitter about it or anything....
Pass the velveta please!
I wonder how that would be melted over spam?
I've tasted your cooking...I'll bet that was an awesome Thanksgiving!
Mondays. Blech. Monday following Thanksgiving. Ew. Tuesday following Thanksgiving. Is it the weekend yet?
Sorry you had to work Starlet, at least that meant no relatives!
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