Thank you Mr. Google Home Page, without your sunny graphic today I would probably not have known it was the first day of summer! Being unemployed makes one not take notice of dates or milestones so I was thankful for the head's up!
And thank god summer-like weather finally got here, huh? If you haven't been checking the local weather for Portland I will provide an update for you, it's been rainy and cold up until about last Friday. Looks like it'll be sunny and warm for here on out. Damn, just jinxed myself, one can't proclaim such boasts reliably until after Independence day, but I'm sticking my neck out here and proclaiming away. Fingers crossed.
You'd think with all this time on my hands I'd be blogging up a storm but sadly, that is not the case. Turns out if you aren't doing anything you tend not to have anything to talk about, let alone blog about. For example, who out there cares that I am currently in the process of re-caulking the tub? Any takers? Yeah, I thought as much.
Have a great weekend and enjoy some rays, with 30 SPF of course!
Can't think of anything much sexier than you with a calking gun...really.
Unemployed? What the heck happened?
You were caulking while I was spackling... in the bathroom no less. Having a bitchin' summer already!
Yeah, what happened? I haven't been over here for a few weeks (but then SOMEBODY never visits me either...) so I want details!
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