Monday, June 30, 2008
The Pool is Open

Yesterday morning I looked at the clock and saw 11:00 am and I actually said out loud "Only one more hour before I can go to the pool". Out loud, mind you. When I get around a pool I turn into an 8 year old. This past weekend we had pool competitions that bordered on dangerous and I am seriously surprised no one left missing a tooth or two. Our favorites revolve around stacking floatation devices and attempting to sit on top of them without falling in the water. Too much fun for kids, this is an adults only event.
The thermometer hit 100 on Saturday so I spent a lot of time atop many floaties. Our festivities were cut short Sunday by unsatisfying and lack luster thunder storms. T-storms are an unusual event here in the Pacific Northwest, so when one arrives we are let down if there's not a lot of flashing bolts and loud claps of thunder. Especially if it means this 8 year old girl has to be dragged off a couple floaties.
Special shout out to Lady Di for hosting the events at her home this weekend. Gotta love a friend with a pool. Now I need to run and check the 10 day forcast so I can schedule my job hunt around my pool schedule. Wish me luck (on the weather, not the job hunt).
Friday, June 20, 2008

Thank you Mr. Google Home Page, without your sunny graphic today I would probably not have known it was the first day of summer! Being unemployed makes one not take notice of dates or milestones so I was thankful for the head's up!
And thank god summer-like weather finally got here, huh? If you haven't been checking the local weather for Portland I will provide an update for you, it's been rainy and cold up until about last Friday. Looks like it'll be sunny and warm for here on out. Damn, just jinxed myself, one can't proclaim such boasts reliably until after Independence day, but I'm sticking my neck out here and proclaiming away. Fingers crossed.
You'd think with all this time on my hands I'd be blogging up a storm but sadly, that is not the case. Turns out if you aren't doing anything you tend not to have anything to talk about, let alone blog about. For example, who out there cares that I am currently in the process of re-caulking the tub? Any takers? Yeah, I thought as much.
Have a great weekend and enjoy some rays, with 30 SPF of course!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Proud and Loud
I intended to post this two weeks ago, but am just getting around to it now.
Pride Portland (Pride/Bring It) was this weekend and after a week of slaving over tiny bags of Red Hots, we were ready to enter the parade Sunday morning. Unfortunately I was so busy being proud that I failed to take many pictures, most of which were out of focus.
Pride Portland (Pride/Bring It) was this weekend and after a week of slaving over tiny bags of Red Hots, we were ready to enter the parade Sunday morning. Unfortunately I was so busy being proud that I failed to take many pictures, most of which were out of focus.

This photo of Leigh, Jen and Katie was taken before the sangria really kicked in. Everyone was much more energetic after the first or seventh round. That is the extent of the "good" pictures that I took, since I was busy in the parade and all.

But luckily Heather got a photo of this since it isn't a festival until this happened:

I love the fact that afterwards the Roommate asked "Why didn't you all stop me?"; the answer, of course, is because "dropping trou" on Broadway is not only performance art, it's also funny as hell. I am going to get the Roommate a cute pair of "manties" that read "If you can read this I'm too drunk".
Evidently a lot of other things happened, we went to the waterfront festival and more drinking ensued. Fun was had by all. Can't wait till next year!
Many thanks to all who helped and marched!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I am ever so busy but simply HAD to blog!*
I turned on the boob tube while I ate my lonely lunch today and settled on "The Women", circa 1939, because I had heard it was a classic and studios have been clamouring to get a remake to the screen for years. So I checked out the first 10 minutes or so, waiting for Joan Crawford, when I heard the following line (and I may be paraphrasing a bit):
"Oh, just the thought of smoked oysters makes me absolutely green. Excuse me ladies, I think I may unswallow."
Unswallow. I had never heard that term and wonder if it was common speech back in the day almost 70 years ago. I think I will try to bring it back. Darling, I would watch more but I simply have much too much to do to prepare for Gay Pride this weekend. Cheerio!*
*Spoken in that sing-song yet clipped speaking style so popular in movies in 1939.
"Oh, just the thought of smoked oysters makes me absolutely green. Excuse me ladies, I think I may unswallow."
Unswallow. I had never heard that term and wonder if it was common speech back in the day almost 70 years ago. I think I will try to bring it back. Darling, I would watch more but I simply have much too much to do to prepare for Gay Pride this weekend. Cheerio!*
*Spoken in that sing-song yet clipped speaking style so popular in movies in 1939.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Copycat Friday

So much has happened since I last posted, where do I begin? Oh, I know, I'm unemployed now and spend the better part of mid day yesterday playing the soul-numbing game of applying for unemployment. On the plus side of being without gainful employment I haven't gotten out of bed before 9:30 at all this week and yesterday the Roommate (god bless his soul) treated me to a massage and then took me wine tasting! Not is all bad here.
So I guess since I'm a shiftless lay-about I should post more, huh?
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