I have been hounded to post the happenings of our Easter Dinner. First off, if you remember last year I made the Easter Bunny meatloaf. This year the meatloaf turned out tastier but my camera was on strike. So instead of delighting you with ground turkey sculptures let me tell you what we did after dinner. As he is wont to do, Dr Phil provided the entertainment and shared with us first "reactions to two girls one cup" and then Boytek actually found the site. Below is the link to my reaction to Two Girls One Cup. Hit the link below, I tried to embed it but it posted it twice and screwed up my blog layout.
Suz's reaction
In case you can't understand my last sentence, I was commenting on the girl's blue eye shadow. Dr Phil is standing behind me (dude, mute your phone when you are watching a film) and that is the Roommate laughing so loudly. At that point only Boytek and the Roommate had watched the film all the way through; the others were laughing at either my reaction or the Roommate's laugh. Special thanks to Boytek for capturing this special moment on film
Now google it and see if you can find the actual video. It is easily the grossest video I've ever watched.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
Iamnot is going to love this since debunking global warming theories is his hobby: it's snowing in Portland today. Yes, the poo-pooer of Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth and environmentalist everywhere will embrace this news mainly because it has never snowed this late in the season in Portland before (since the National Weather Service has been keeping records since 1940, at least). I'm sure iamnot is doing a little happy dance in his work cube as he reads this. Let's all sit back and imagine what that looks like---I'm sure at least part of the performance involves a little "cabbage patch" action.
At the risk of getting iamnot all riled up I will remind my kind reader that I don't exactly believe the whole global warming package as presented but I do believe humankind's pollution of the air, land and water has messed with global weather patterns. Or it could just be a natural weather cycles. Or it could be an angry weather god. But I think our nasty, dirty and destructive practices probably have at least a small effect on the weather. Maybe just a smidge.
Gotta run, I need to shovel snow so I can mow my lawn. That shit is getting tall.
At the risk of getting iamnot all riled up I will remind my kind reader that I don't exactly believe the whole global warming package as presented but I do believe humankind's pollution of the air, land and water has messed with global weather patterns. Or it could just be a natural weather cycles. Or it could be an angry weather god. But I think our nasty, dirty and destructive practices probably have at least a small effect on the weather. Maybe just a smidge.
Gotta run, I need to shovel snow so I can mow my lawn. That shit is getting tall.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
My life as a wine-o
Today's Wiki "hint of the day" is something near and dear to my heart, appreciating wine. Lots of wine, in my case. How to acquire a taste? Sit your ass down and drink it till you like it, that's my advice, and Wiki agrees. Keep trying different types until you find one you like, it's all about the commitment.
Thinking back on my lifelong romance with wine, it all started as a child, as all true passions do. At Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter my parents treated us to a shot glass (with a graphic of a horse on it) of Mogan David or Manischewitz with the holiday dinner. Yep, alcoholic in training at a very tender age, I was raised to believe that wine tasted like Kool-Aid with a kick. Imagine my surprise when I came of drinking age and had my first glass of Chablis---yuck! That's what wine is supposed to taste like? No thanks, I'll have a Jack and coke.
Over the years my taste in wine changed. I started with ports but quickly moved on to full bodied reds, mainly Cabs and Merlots but later found my pallet moving on to lighter reds, particularly Pinot Noirs when I moved to just-north-of-Oregon-wine-country Portland. Last summer I started drinking even lighter reds, blushes and roses, because they are so yummy in hot weather but found as the fall approached---red wine season---I still wanted something lighter. This past winter I have been drinking Pinot Gris or even a Chardonnay in a pinch. And now even sweeter whites, like Moscats, are finding their way into my wine glass so it's just a hop, skip and jump before I'm drinking Rieslings and Gewürztraminers. Before you know it I'll probably go full circle and find myself back to good ol' Manischewitz----only in a glass slightly larger than a "horse glass jigger".
Thinking back on my lifelong romance with wine, it all started as a child, as all true passions do. At Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter my parents treated us to a shot glass (with a graphic of a horse on it) of Mogan David or Manischewitz with the holiday dinner. Yep, alcoholic in training at a very tender age, I was raised to believe that wine tasted like Kool-Aid with a kick. Imagine my surprise when I came of drinking age and had my first glass of Chablis---yuck! That's what wine is supposed to taste like? No thanks, I'll have a Jack and coke.
Over the years my taste in wine changed. I started with ports but quickly moved on to full bodied reds, mainly Cabs and Merlots but later found my pallet moving on to lighter reds, particularly Pinot Noirs when I moved to just-north-of-Oregon-wine-country Portland. Last summer I started drinking even lighter reds, blushes and roses, because they are so yummy in hot weather but found as the fall approached---red wine season---I still wanted something lighter. This past winter I have been drinking Pinot Gris or even a Chardonnay in a pinch. And now even sweeter whites, like Moscats, are finding their way into my wine glass so it's just a hop, skip and jump before I'm drinking Rieslings and Gewürztraminers. Before you know it I'll probably go full circle and find myself back to good ol' Manischewitz----only in a glass slightly larger than a "horse glass jigger".
Friday, March 21, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The road to the White House is long and boring as hell.
Looking at the headlines on my Google home page I see the single story of interest to me personally is the Wiki "how to of the day" concerning eggs and how you can tell if they've gone bad (go ahead and read it, I'll wait). More interesting than if Hillary was in the White House the day the blue dress was soiled. More engaging than knowing what Rev. White said that Obama found controversial at any of a hundred sermons he attended. More insightful than what McCain may or may not do with the war in Iraq should the country swing red again (I shudder at the thought). This crap has been going on too long and I vote that the campaign should only run as long as a season of television (sans a writer's strike). How about the summer replacement season? Even better.
Wake me when I'm supposed to give a shit again.
WIki of MY Day: I think we should submerge Hillary, McCain and Obama each in a tub of water and see if any them float. Maybe we'll have a clear front runner then.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I don't <3 Tuesdays
I'm starting to hate Tuesdays---seems I always get bad news or heart-sinking realizations on the second day of the work week. I'll trade it for a Monday any day. Any takers?
Monday, March 17, 2008
Mute Monday: Mother Nature
Looks like my post yesterday should have been saved for today. So yeah, consider it today's post.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Florida Pics
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Wake me up when the divorce is final.
I had a dream about my ex-husband last night which basically consisted of me trying to get away from him and I woke up shoving my dog away from me across the bed. Nothing like a nightmare to affirm a past decision, although Rufus wasn't too happy about the whole situation.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Too much going on (mostly bad) to post regularly, but I just wanted to post the people's view of Tuesday's primaries, in case you missed CNN's rebroadcast last night of Tuesday's run-down:
Texans dislike pushy white women only slightly less than black men. I mentioned this to a gay man the other night and his reply was "Yeah, but they hate "us" more".
The over all feeling from the 4 states voting: SNL was right, bitch is the new black. We'll see how long that will last. I love that CNN was showing a clip of their spoof on the last debate, after a hard-ball question for Hillary the moderator pointed this tough question to Obama, "Senator Obama, can we get you anything?".
Oh, and evidently the people like an ancient war hero more than they like a crazy bible thumper. By a landslide but the fact that that hillbilly was even still in the race was a doozie.
On to Pennsylvania!
Texans dislike pushy white women only slightly less than black men. I mentioned this to a gay man the other night and his reply was "Yeah, but they hate "us" more".
The over all feeling from the 4 states voting: SNL was right, bitch is the new black. We'll see how long that will last. I love that CNN was showing a clip of their spoof on the last debate, after a hard-ball question for Hillary the moderator pointed this tough question to Obama, "Senator Obama, can we get you anything?".
Oh, and evidently the people like an ancient war hero more than they like a crazy bible thumper. By a landslide but the fact that that hillbilly was even still in the race was a doozie.
On to Pennsylvania!
Monday, March 03, 2008
Mute Monday

Back from Florida in time for Mute Monday! Since I read this book while I was in the Sunshine State, it will be my post for today. To read a review click here.
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