Been out of the posting habit as things have been in flux here at the House of Suz, what with the Super Tuesday primaries, shower curtain making and the occasional incident by Rufus the Attack Dog. So needless to day I am a bit frazzled and distracted. So this is all you get until you get more.
Also, it's been about a year since I came up with a short story so I'm rolling one of those around in my head and will post as soon as it leaks out of my ear, runs down my arm an taps itself onto the keyboard.
Be good and stay pure! iamnot is in charge until I come back.
This is the only time I've seen your underside that I wasn't impressed.
Like me, this is a very expensive and classy (and under-utilized) unit. Unlike me it has it's unsightly parts.
Hey, it beats another photo of Rufus, doesn't it?
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