Mum is doing well but we'll know the full story when I take her for her cardiologist appointment tomorrow. Fingers crossed. The first two days I was here she had several angina attack a day; the last three days none. I have that effect on people.
I have 2 mosquito bites on my right ankle and got a little bit of sun on my left arm at lunch yesterday. Does that make this a vacation?
Thanks for all the well wishes, everyone. If I remember to grab my camera I'll post a shot of sunshine for all those in the Pacific Northwest (iamnot, I'm sure you are way to familiar with the sun where you are. Hope you use sun screen).
Monday, February 25, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
I am in Florida right now, but I wrote the following from the Salt Lake City Airport yesterday:
Walking around the Salt Lake airport cradling a laptop in my arms—what do people thing, I wonder. Crazed geek can’t be without her electronic device for more than a few minutes? Found it lying around somewhere and stole it? Truth is my Portland to Salt Lake flight had a severe overhead compartment shortage so I was forced to check my luggage after boarding the plane. My laptop was in my suitcase and I wasn’t going to let that float around three flights unlocked, waiting for sticky fingers so I opted to carry it. Last thing I need is to have to explain a missing laptop at work. So I am carrying it, sans computer bag, around the Salt Lake airport as I kill my 3 hour layover. Jealous yet?
And evidentially fighting cavities is a terrorist activity since my toothpaste was confiscated by TSA at security. Yeah, it was a 4.5 container but it was half empty, so 2.25 oz of terrorist threat, not 4.5. Oh, and I was reprimanded for putting my gels and liquids in a gallon zip lock bag instead of an airline safe quart size bag. Sorry, Barney Fife, I’m a girl and I need more products than will fit in a quart freezer bag. The look on my face must have stopped his speil mid-rant, because he gave up pretty quickly; I was biting my tongue because there were so many sarcastic, cavity-search worthy comments running through my mind.
Sorry I haven’t written much lately, my life has been pretty much about the drama lately. Upheaval at work, illness on the family front (hence the layover in Salt Lake on my way to Florida) and flu all around. I haven’t been that sick in years, so if you are offered the flu bug please be strong and just say no. You’ll thank me later. You’re welcome.
Gotta run. I need to see if they sell airline friendly sized toothpaste in this airport.
My mom has dialup so I have to do what work I can from a German coffee shop in Cape Coral. They're closing now so gotta run.
Walking around the Salt Lake airport cradling a laptop in my arms—what do people thing, I wonder. Crazed geek can’t be without her electronic device for more than a few minutes? Found it lying around somewhere and stole it? Truth is my Portland to Salt Lake flight had a severe overhead compartment shortage so I was forced to check my luggage after boarding the plane. My laptop was in my suitcase and I wasn’t going to let that float around three flights unlocked, waiting for sticky fingers so I opted to carry it. Last thing I need is to have to explain a missing laptop at work. So I am carrying it, sans computer bag, around the Salt Lake airport as I kill my 3 hour layover. Jealous yet?
And evidentially fighting cavities is a terrorist activity since my toothpaste was confiscated by TSA at security. Yeah, it was a 4.5 container but it was half empty, so 2.25 oz of terrorist threat, not 4.5. Oh, and I was reprimanded for putting my gels and liquids in a gallon zip lock bag instead of an airline safe quart size bag. Sorry, Barney Fife, I’m a girl and I need more products than will fit in a quart freezer bag. The look on my face must have stopped his speil mid-rant, because he gave up pretty quickly; I was biting my tongue because there were so many sarcastic, cavity-search worthy comments running through my mind.
Sorry I haven’t written much lately, my life has been pretty much about the drama lately. Upheaval at work, illness on the family front (hence the layover in Salt Lake on my way to Florida) and flu all around. I haven’t been that sick in years, so if you are offered the flu bug please be strong and just say no. You’ll thank me later. You’re welcome.
Gotta run. I need to see if they sell airline friendly sized toothpaste in this airport.
My mom has dialup so I have to do what work I can from a German coffee shop in Cape Coral. They're closing now so gotta run.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Hide and seek

Been out of the posting habit as things have been in flux here at the House of Suz, what with the Super Tuesday primaries, shower curtain making and the occasional incident by Rufus the Attack Dog. So needless to day I am a bit frazzled and distracted. So this is all you get until you get more.
Also, it's been about a year since I came up with a short story so I'm rolling one of those around in my head and will post as soon as it leaks out of my ear, runs down my arm an taps itself onto the keyboard.
Be good and stay pure! iamnot is in charge until I come back.
Friday, February 01, 2008
There was a story on NPR this week about the coming Presidential election (shocking, I know) and it was mentioned by a few average joes that your basic white dude doesn't have a candidate on the Democratic side that they can relate to, meaning another white dude. Hillary is white, yes, she certainly has balls and she may very well wear the pants in her family but alas, she is not a man. And Obama is a man and he may not be "black enough" but he does come up short in the "white" department, at least that's what the white dudes think. I was so appalled by the comments made by the disenfranchised white dudes that their love affair with their own mirrored image politicians was over that my only thought is I AM SO SADDENED BY THE THOUGHT THAT YOU HAD TO WAIT OVER TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY YEARS TO FACE THIS DILEMMA. Boohoo. All of us non-white-male minorities are just all broken up about it.
With that rant out of the way………….the people watched the Democratic lovefest---er, I think they meant to say debate---last night and the people think the Democrats got a whole lot more going on than their rivals on the right. The GOP debate was flat and uninteresting and it seemed that not even the debaters wanted to be there but the Demo's debate was lively, the answers were well thought out and actually addressed the questions presented, which was a refreshing change over their lackluster opponents. And the two remaining Democrats presented something that hasn't been seen this much in this campaign thus far from either side: professionalism and politeness. Yeah, yeah, I know they were at each other's throats but the people put a stop to that bickering. And with that in mind I am here to announce that it is the people's opinion that our two Democratic front runners have made nice because they plan on running together!
And you have got to LOVE the fact that all those celiberties and beautiful people were there to hear the canididates! Yeah, look! There's the chick from that Ugly Betty show I don't watch! And look! Meathead! The Roommate commented that this debate was taking the place of the Oscar broadcast since the writers are on strike and all. Unfortunately I had a dinner engagement and couldn’t watch the entire broadcast but fear not, we DVR'd it. And yes, it went down in the Nielson's diary, thank you very much.
I absolutely loved one of Hillary's comments in particular. She was asked that if the campaign was all about "change" then why is it that the Bushes, and if she wins, the Clintons will have been two families in power for a two decade span (assuming she doesn't go two terms). Her response was about changes being made and the last name of the president doesn't have to necessarily be one other than in the past several administration, etc, but she did mention that it took a Clinton to clean up the mess left by the first Bush administration and maybe it will take another Clinton to clean up this Bush's mess. Hear, hear! Go get 'em, Hillary.
Oh, and in case you were too distracted with Branglina's "maybe baby" and didn't notice, here's another sign that the economy is sucking even more today than we thought it was sucking yesterday. I said if first(ish) and now you can say it with me R E C E S S I O N. Thanks Prez Bush.
With that rant out of the way………….the people watched the Democratic lovefest---er, I think they meant to say debate---last night and the people think the Democrats got a whole lot more going on than their rivals on the right. The GOP debate was flat and uninteresting and it seemed that not even the debaters wanted to be there but the Demo's debate was lively, the answers were well thought out and actually addressed the questions presented, which was a refreshing change over their lackluster opponents. And the two remaining Democrats presented something that hasn't been seen this much in this campaign thus far from either side: professionalism and politeness. Yeah, yeah, I know they were at each other's throats but the people put a stop to that bickering. And with that in mind I am here to announce that it is the people's opinion that our two Democratic front runners have made nice because they plan on running together!
And you have got to LOVE the fact that all those celiberties and beautiful people were there to hear the canididates! Yeah, look! There's the chick from that Ugly Betty show I don't watch! And look! Meathead! The Roommate commented that this debate was taking the place of the Oscar broadcast since the writers are on strike and all. Unfortunately I had a dinner engagement and couldn’t watch the entire broadcast but fear not, we DVR'd it. And yes, it went down in the Nielson's diary, thank you very much.
I absolutely loved one of Hillary's comments in particular. She was asked that if the campaign was all about "change" then why is it that the Bushes, and if she wins, the Clintons will have been two families in power for a two decade span (assuming she doesn't go two terms). Her response was about changes being made and the last name of the president doesn't have to necessarily be one other than in the past several administration, etc, but she did mention that it took a Clinton to clean up the mess left by the first Bush administration and maybe it will take another Clinton to clean up this Bush's mess. Hear, hear! Go get 'em, Hillary.
Oh, and in case you were too distracted with Branglina's "maybe baby" and didn't notice, here's another sign that the economy is sucking even more today than we thought it was sucking yesterday. I said if first(ish) and now you can say it with me R E C E S S I O N. Thanks Prez Bush.
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