You gotta love Christmas shows, especially variety Christmas shows with Aimee Mann! I had purchased tickets back in October for her second annual Xmas show (last year's show didn't make it to Portland) and although I was expecting a normal concert was delighted when it turned out to be a surprising mix of traditional and original Christmas tunes, funny short films, stand up and guest singers, and concluded with everyone singing a finale. Very fun and never boring---Aimee even played a few of her non-holiday fare, including my favorite anthem "Save Me" (as a special Christmas bonus here's the live version and the star studded version here). Great show and third row seats, wootwoot!
While she was singing "Save Me" I remembered another Aimee Mann concert from a few years ago; as she sang the opening song I leaned over to the Roommate and whispered "I wish I were Aimee Mann" and without missing a beat he replied "I wish you were Aimee Mann, too". Nice, always full of compliments.
A feature of the show included three short funny films, all featuring Aimee trying to convince Hollywood celebrities to do her show with her. There's a portion where she's trying to ask Ben Stiller, who is behaving like the pompous ass he portrayed in that episode of "Extras" to perfection; as Aimee gives up and walks away, Stiller yells "Hey, in your show why don't you sing that song, the depressing one. Yeah." with a smirk, which is a scream and had to be ad libbed.
After the show we hung out at the bar for a couple cocktails and a plate of french fries and a couple of Aimee's band members showed up. I gave the cute bass player a thumbs up and he smiled and nodded back, so I guess you could say we partied with the band. At least that's what I'm saying when I retell the story.
And finally, since I'm being all holiday-generous, here's a bunch of bonus clips from last year's show. So get in the Christmas spirit, already and remember, Jesus is coming, look
I just knew you'd be there. I heard her interviewed on Kink and then she played a studio set there too. She talked about the comedy and stuff she'd be doing. They said she enjoys going out on the road to avoid Christmas time in LA. Who can blame her on that!
Well, you know I'm jealous.
Wish I'd been there.
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