Perhaps I made a mistake. Maybe I shouldn't have turned in my two weeks because I didn't know we'd have H&K FIGHT CLUB! The order entry guy just had a screaming fight with a sales guy and I was IM-ing about it with 3 other employees and snickering in my cube the whole time. That's what happens when you take a huge office with only a handful of people spread all over the place and then cut the space in half and smush all the employees together. Tempers flare and voices rise and I just snicker and joke about it over IM. Damn, I put in my notice and then crap starts getting fun around here.
One of my customers just asked how he can get an international toll free number for China (calls from China are route here) and I told him I could request it but it takes H&K 90 days to activate. He needs it next week and wants me to escalate. I'll just get on the horn to the Chinese government and see how much pull I have on that one, I'm sure I'll have it all wrapped up tomorrow, COB. Short-timer just don't care that much. If you google image "Chinese telephone company" you get this photo, which describes the new China phone company. I think 90 days is a little optimistic.
Did I mention our microwave here at work doesn't work anymore. I told you the appliances and office equipment were revolting and that's just more proof. I think I'll take Friday off before the fax machine grows a ray gun arm.
*If you get this you are old and racists. Kinda like me.
So that's the big news eh? Quitting again...what's your next stop?
Yep, I'm a quitter.
Going to work for a local ISP. They were my customer for 7 years when I was with Asshole Co and they are super cool. I can't wait to start.
Yay! Let's hope this is a keeper!
I also didn't mean to imply you are a "quitter" that was written poorly!
If it sucks, get the hell outta there if you can, that's what I say!
I loved working with this customer in the past and the Roommate works there as well Fun group of people and I think I'll fit in just fine. Plus I'll be the one to make the policies!
Got any openings for a Tech Writer/Database Admin? I'll need to telecommute.
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