So, about two years ago the Roommate decided I needed a dog. "No, no, no, I don't need a dog" quickly answered with "I know what I'm getting you for Christmas", which I again replied with "No dog, I not only don't need a dog, I don't WANT a dog. Isn't the cat bad enough?". Then he said "If you could have any kind of dog, what kind would you have?", to which I responded that I liked Golden Retrievers. "Um, no, what other kind?" Ok, German Shepard. The Roommate then held up his hand, put his index finger to his thumb and said "No, no, no, something with a turd this big".
And that is how we got Rufus. The pet store said he'd not be bigger than 10 lbs, and oh, isn't he cute and loving? Sure, in the pet store they always are! Once we got him home he immediately learned "sit" and "down" the very first day we had him (and he was so young, only 4 months old! Isn't he precious!). Once he felt he had successfully wormed his way into our hearts Rufus the Monster reared his ugly head. We sent him away to boot camp where he came home with a shock collar, because he just won't listen. This dog is very pigheaded, stubborn as a mule. And as you can see from the picture, anything that belongs to anyone else actually belongs to him. This dog eats MONEY, people! And CELL PHONES. He's destroyed my comforter, charge cards, uncountable shoes and actually tried to dig a hole through the seat of the leather couch.
So now my precious boy is 2 1/2, 24 lbs and he's starting to calm down a little bit. He still occasionally does the "devil possessed crazy walk up the wall backwars" thing, but he's getting so much better all the time. And his turds are still only this big.
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