Friday, August 31, 2007
Talk about random.......
Photos of last night's Last Thursday Tape Baby Drop to be posted soon!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Ticking phone bomb.

Sunday was all about HOT. First, our street had a block party and the Roommate called the fire department to come out for a visit. They do that here for block parties, you know, let the kids climb all over the truck and give them little junior fireman hats---only the Roommate actually called them out for a visit because he knows I like hot firemen. He's cool like that----screw the kids, they were happy enough throwing around a nerf football and picking on each other.
Then we went to the Chameleon for Pat's birthday party and aside from all the booze and food and go go boys he had a fire dancer. Hot. So the evening was about fire starters and fire putter-outers.
I just had a piss fight with Verizon (my favorite carrier ever!) over an install fee and I think I'm going to win this one. Jennifer* at Verizon stated that I ordered the inside wiring because "her order says so". Jesus, as if she'd even remember writing an order for one POTS line (plain old telephone service---we love our acronyms!) two months ago---so I just went ahead and forwarded their response to my e-mail order with the INSIDE WIRING NOT NEEDED all over it. Yeah, I expect a credit and an apology. No, I am not holding my breath. Winning an argument with Verizon is not very satisfying as it is exactly like tricking a kid into eating ice cream or getting Rufus to ruin a leather couch----just not that frickin' difficult.
Busy week here, tomorrow I will be watching the not-gonna-happen shit hit the telecom fan when I don't meet a customer's unrealistic deadline. Yea me! Wonder if I can blame it on Verizon……….hold the phone**, that idea is just simple enough to work.
*Her real name because she is NOT innocent.
**Telecom reference in a telecom joke! I am so clever, double points!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Tears streaming down my face.
Now don't be looking at all that other stuff.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Paint update.
Bitter Chocolate
It's definitely not outrageous green.
PS I tried to link the colors but Sherwin Williams doesn't roll like that. You'll have to paste the color names in tne search field yourselves. Just a warning in case you're lazy.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
The jury has reached it's verdict.
Yea. It's almost the week end. I can hardly contain my glee.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Oh, and now that I'm thinking of it............
Ever e-mail photos of an orange couch at 2 am? I can scratch that off my "to do" list now.
Damn, I'm glad I didn't go to the gym on top of all that. Just thinking about that makes me want to take a nap.
Anyway, did you catch the part where I said I painted? That would be the dining room and half the living room, thank you very much. I didn't paint the wall in this photo because with all the furniture moved around and painting supplies everywhere, I just couldn't imagine where I'd stack all those paintings. I guess I'll be doing that tonight since the Roommate wants it done and painting is my part of the bargain. And although Boytek and the Roommate wanted the accent color to be dark chocolate brown, I went with lime green (about the color of the banner above), because that's how I follow directions. And because I spent 2 hours playing with colors on this site (click "launch color visualizer") and the only thing that worked with the orange couch and purple recliner was lime green---with red coming in a close second. Go ahead, play with the colors, I'll wait. Thank god I went to art school and studied color theory and all because that 4 year stint is finally paying off.
Anyway, it looks great and I couldn't be happier with how it's turned out so far. I also can't wait for it to be finished.
The only other thing I did this weekend was spend a little time hating people. People can be so stupid (present company excluded, of course). On Saturday I was driving down a half commercial, half residential street when I noticed a guy on the sidewalk (of the residential part) doing that hand waving motion that means "slow down". I didn't realize I was driving that fast to I glanced down at the speedometer and noticed I was going 25 mph. I also noted a sign saying 30 mph. Since I was on my way to the grocery store and we all know how much I hate going grocery shopping (because of all the stupid people) I was probably already on cranky street, so the dude with the wavy arms and sour look really pissed me off. I immediately turned around, drove over to where the guy was still standing, slowed down and yelled at him "Hey Barney Fife, I was only going 25. Just wanted you to know, have a nice day!" and drove off, not waiting to hear his stupid response. The comment did piss him off though, so one point for me. After that I went to the grocery store where everyone checks their IQs at the door, so you know how much I enjoyed that experience. People……….jeeze.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Today's post is brought to you by the letter O (for orange)

The Roommate and I had a glass of pink wine and headed to IKEA on Thursday to check the place out. It's been open since the 25th of July but you wouldn't see us in any of that "grand opening" craziness just for the chance to get a free chair. Now if they had an open bar that would have been a completely different story, but I digress.
While strolling through the bathroom section the Roommate made a b-line to the shower curtains. I loudly said "No, no shower curtains. Whenever we get a new shower curtain we end up redecorating the entire bathroom. No shower curtains". The couple looking at shower curtains just about busted a gut when they heard this because obviously this scenario only happens at our house. I have a feeling they will be laughing out the other side of their mouths when they get that shower curtain home and realize the paint just doesn't quite match and wouldn't new towels and a rug freshen the place up? Before you know it they'll be replacing the fixtures and facets and that just sounds like too much trouble to this little black duck.
So instead the Roommate is buying a new couch. Not from IKEA but from super trendy Hip Furniture. The new sectional's of modern design. Oh, and it's orange. Imagine the Wave, only in orange. Great sectional and even greater price so the Roommate snatched it up for a song. Only problem is our current living room is more the style of Pottery Barn and kind of traditional, so the cocktail table, side tables and console won't work with the new sofa. And the fireplace screen is all wrong, and it matches the sconces, candle stands and lamp. And the antique rocking chair will HAVE to go. As will the curtains. And the walls will all have to be repainted.
So it looks like we will be doing a bit of painting in the very near future and making a few trips to IKEA to pick up some accessories. But you won't catch us anywhere near the shower curtains, because that just sounds like too much work.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
"Do you want fries with that?"
So if you're out and about in Portland on a Friday or Saturday evening in August and are looking for an excellent meal (and so-so service---meaning me) come out to the Chameleon and tell 'em Suz sent ya. I'll make sure you get a complimentary glass of water.
Monday, August 06, 2007
I love working in downtown Portland
Too many crazy street people to count, though.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Birthday e-mails. Check and done.
Of course the first came from Rufus's Mommy:
Hello Rufus! Let me be the first to wish you a happy birthday!
Next was from Diane:
Oddly enough the next e-mail came from Tammy:
Sorry to have missed your b-day party; I bet it was a hoot. I feel much better today – not as young as we used to be.
Anyway tell your mom hi and I hope you all had fun yesterday.**
Next came the e-mail greeting from iamnot which simply consisted of a YouTube link:
Then came the greeting from Our Rusty:
Hey Rufus,
I hope you had the bestest birthday weekend!
your uncle rusty really misses you (yep i said it...i miss rufus)!
I wish i could have been there so you could have run out to say hi by peeing on my shoes!
love you, rufus
uncle rusty
And finally, the last birthday greeting was from Dana and baby Ella:
Happy belated b-day. You have just grown up so fast. And been being so
well behaved! Kudos. Be thankful your Mommy is not like Britney. Cute
pics looks like you liked the cake.
Dana and Ella
Thank you everyone who participated in Rufus's birthday weekend and sent greetings to Mommy's Little Angel. How am I going to top this next year?
** Then on Rufus's birthday Tammy was hung over and couldn't make the party so instead of breaking his little doggie heart and telling him Tammy was bailing on his party I told Mommy's Little Angel that Tammy had died and that's why she couldn't make his party. He was ok with that.
Packing tape babies. Check.
My friend Erin mentioned something about changing poopie diapers but I wonder what packing tape baby diapers would look like? The world may never know.

Our friend Erin told us about an unveiling of a mural at a restaurant on Last Thursday and we ended up giving the artist a baby. He ended up using his baby as a pointer as he showed off different parts of the mural.

Meme. Check
The only thing worse than being the kid not picked for kick ball is being picked for a meme. Thanks iamnot. Because I am not good at following directions I am not going to tag anyone. Yeah, I’m a rebel like that. Also, I think everyone who has ever even thought about having a blog has been tagged with this one already.
"Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog."
1. I have become quite shallow in my old age, well in the looks department anyway. I just can’t be attracted to a man who is slack about grooming, can’t dress himself or isn’t smart and witty. But then again, if a guy expects me to be all the above, don’t expect me to let you get away with it, either.
2. I really don’t like the vast majority of people out there. Seriously.
3. The happiest I have ever been was on a sailboat in
4. I am not one of those women who adore shoes. I would wear flip flops every day if I could get away with it. That probably contradicts #1 but whatever. Sue me.
5. I love having a Jeep in the summer but it’s just “eh” the other 9 months of the year (when it rains in
6. I put the needs of others before my own way too much. In moderation it’s a good thing, too much is ridiculous.
7. I don’t think I will ever be at a point financially to retire.
8. I guess I’m “in a mood” today and should have left this for another time. Ooops.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Rufus Wainwright and Rusty have more in common than I suspected
Tuesday was the day I had been waiting on for about 2 years, a Rufus Wainwright concert I could attend. Mind you, he has been touring but overseas, there were the concerts in Seattle I couldn't get tickets to and his sold out recreation of Judy Garland's 1961 historic Carnegy Hall concert in NYC last fall but I couldn't make any of those, so I made sure I bought my tickets for his Portland show the second they went on pre-sale.
The Roommate (also a big fan) and Tammy (not familiar with his music but intrigued enough by my stalker-like devotion to cough up the $40 for a ticket just to watch me scream like a teenager) were having our pre-concert dinner around the corner from the venue when the subject of when Rufus took the stage came up. The ticket said “show starts at 9” but was that the main event or when the opening act started? I was chosen to walk the 2 blocks and ask at the venue’s box office.
When we got into the venue Sean was still performing (and he had a singer that was a ringer for his mom when younger---someone page Freud) we ran into an acquaintance of the Roommate’s. I did not use the term “friend” because a FRIEND calls you and gives you the head’s up when he is going out to karaoke with Thomas Lauderdale from Pink Martini and RUFUS FUCKING WAINWRIGHT. Bastard. We then headed to the balcony to wait for the main act. (By the way, Sean inherited more of his musical talent from his mom as opposed to from his dad. Just saying.)
Rufus did his usual grand performance (with an intermission so he could change into lederhosen for the second half of the show) and surprised me when he came out for his finale (without the band) in a terrycloth bathrobe and sat down at the piano to play Halleluiah. When the song ended to thunderous applause he got up and stood at center stage, pulled a tube of lipstick out and applied it to his lips. Then his band, now all dressed in matching black suits, stood in front of Rufus and he momentarily disappeared from the audience’s veiw only to emerge in a black fedora and a black suit. And the suit didn’t have pants, it had a short black skirt and he was wearing huge glittery earrings that caught the light. And then he proceeded to sing a Judy Garland song. My music hero was doing drag, only without the lip-sync part, he was really belting it out in true
Keep your eyes peeled for a YouTube video, one’s bound to come out. Looking over the last few posts it dawns on me that perhaps I should rename this blog "dude looks like a lady".